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药政机构的检查部门是国家药政机构实施法规的武器。The government inspectorate represents the enforcement arm of the national drug regulatory authority.

从那里,“育种家种子”的制定和肯尼亚植物卫生检验服务的规管。From there, a "breeder seed" is developed and regulated by the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service.

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对于对孩子和童年有着传统理解的观察员来说,这简直是忍无可忍。That was just too much for an inspectorate with rather more conventional views on children and childhood.

也有部分人士来自于部属事业单位,此次被选任至地方督察机构。There are some people and institutions from the Ministry, this has been elected to the local inspectorate.

部长李毅中,负责劳动监察部门在他的国家,称调查将已。Minister Li Yizhong, responsible for the Labour Inspectorate in his country, said an investigation will already.

全国土地督察的结果显示,解决北京市的土地问题已经到了刻不容缓的地步。According to the findings of the National Land Inspectorate , the land issue has been resolved to Beijing without delay.

督察组有关负责人表示,通过此次督察发现土地市场中违法违规问题仍有较强的地方政府行为色彩。Inspectorate official said that the inspectors found through this illegal land market still strong local government acts color.

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经营者负责的分区,他可以接受,如摩托罗拉,或由工厂督察机构的支持。The operator is responsible for zoning for which he can receive support from institutions such as the TüV or the factory inspectorate.

日前,国家五部委联合派出的10个督察组对全国土地的核查已见分晓。Recently, the State sent five of the 10 ministries and commissions jointly to the National Land Inspectorate verification became known.

在遭受社会媒体活动分子的抗议之后,英国政府警方检查员放弃了为其新网站改域名的想法。The Government's police inspectorate has backed down after protests from social media activists over its choice of name for a new website.

事业单位拒绝前项之改善建议时,工会得向劳动检查机构申请实施检查。Where the business entity rejects the suggestions mentioned above, the union may apply to the labor inspectorate for requesting an inspection.

指出重大项目稽察管理制度不健全等是造成重大项目稽察管理存在问题的主要原因。It point out that the main reason resulted in the problem on key project inspectorate is the key projects Inspection management system inadequacy.

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来自皇家警务督察署的最可靠的估计比警察组织此前预期的两万八千人要高得多。The first reliable estimate by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary is far higher than previous forecasts of 28,000 made by police staff organisations.

受到了中共中央贯彻落实“三个代表”督察组及全国清欠工作督查组的肯定,先后两次被中央电视台予以报道。By the CPC Central Committee in implementing the "three represents" and the National Inspectorate began work inspection team confirmed that CCTV was to be reported twice.

迈克尔曾在卫生署社会服务视察团任职,任职之前在一个国家志愿者组织的残疾人生活基金会工作。Prior to this, he worked at the Disabled Living Foundation, a national voluntary organisation, before moving to the Social Services Inspectorate at the Department of Health.

一个制造商可以依据该项标准来生产产品,IECQ的检察员会使用同一标准评价制造商是否真正做到其所声明能做到的事项。A manufacturer can use a standard to make a product and an IECQ Superising Inspectorate can use the same standard to assess whether the manufacturer actually does what it says it can.

英国重大诈骗案检查局发言人称,正在对穆巴拉克位于英国的资产展开追踪,一旦埃及、联合国或欧盟下令,也将对其进行冻结。British Major Fraud Inspectorate spokesman said Mubarak is being launched in the UK asset tracking, once in Egypt, the United Nations or the European Union ordered, it will freeze them.

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1905年中国海关在总税务司、英国人赫德的策划下承办了中国参加的至少29次国际博览会展览事务。Between 1867 and 1905 the Maritime Customs Service sponsored no few than 29 international exhibitions under the initiative of the Inspectorate General of the Imperial Maritime Customs, Robert Hart.

作为该建议的起草者,中国国土经济研究院政策法规室主任付英对记者这样描述国家土地督察制度。As the authors of the proposal, the Economic Research Institute of China's policies and regulations Room Director Fu Ying, told reporters that the system described in the National Land Inspectorate.