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这一次,他是专门为锡耶纳来的。This time, he is dedicated to Siena.

锡耶纳的马卡罗内在第62分钟打进了一球。For Siena Maccarone scored in the 62nd minute.

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他们正被遣送到锡耶纳去等候交换。They're being sent to siena to await exchange.

他曾主动表示可以先在罗马或锡耶纳停留一下。He's offered to stop off in Rome and Siena first.

我之所以到意大利是因为我喜欢意大利的艺术,这在锡耶纳俯拾皆是。I picked Italy for its art, and Siena was full of it.

如果一切顺利的话,加盟锡耶纳应该是在冬季。If all goes well, should be joined Siena in the winter.

我们不感兴趣,我们首先会对阵切沃,然后才轮到锡耶纳。We will think about Chievo first and then we will go to Siena.

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速度上,比起桑普和锡耶纳的比赛已经有了进步。I terms of speed, the team was better than against Samp and Siena.

回到锡耶纳以后的第二天,在早上醒来的时候我发现自己根本站不起来。Back in Siena , I woke up the next morning and I couldn't stand up.

是的,客场对锡耶纳的比赛可能并不会像想象中那么简单。Yes, the away game at Siena will not be as easy as might be thought.

现在在我们头脑里只有锡耶纳,我们希望能尽快的卷土重来。Now we only have Siena on our minds, we hope to make an quick comeback.

在锡耶纳见证了黑天鹅代表红黑军团的第200次出场。Siena marked Clarence Seedorf's 200th appearance in a Rossoneri jersey.

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自一月份被租借后,21岁的加洛帕一直为锡耶纳队效力。Galloppa, 21, has been with Siena since joining them on-loan in January.

锡耶纳排名第六,博洛尼亚第七,因而意大利统治了这份榜单。Italy dominated the list, with Siena in sixth place and Bologna seventh.

1358年击败锡耶纳之后佩鲁贾的影响力达到了顶峰。The zenith of Perugia's influence came with the defeat of Siena in 1358.

如果说我到锡耶纳有几个堂皇的理由,那么我离开芝加哥就更加振振有辞了。I went to Siena for a few good reasons. I left Chicago for a million more.

这位与锡耶纳合同到期的后卫有望在今天与拉齐奥进行商谈。The off contract Siena fullback is expected to hold talks with Lazio today.

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库里巴里此前是锡耶纳青年队的一份子。Souleymane had previously been part of the youth team of Italian side AC Siena.

与之相反,米兰对阵锡耶纳的表现强于包括我在内很多人的预料。Milan, by contrast, were better than many – myself included – had expected against Siena.

但是,我是一名锡耶纳的球员,而且本周日我们还有一场和亚特兰大的恶战。However, I'm a Siena player and on Sunday there will be a difficult game against Atalanta.