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空气中漂浮着新烤的面包诱人的香味。In the air is the mouthwatering smell of freshly baked bread.

中式婚宴多用美味的北京烤鸭待客。Chinese wedding banquet often serves a mouthwatering Peking duck.

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比一般的桃红色还要亮一点、更有魅力的桃红色调。Brighter, more vivid and more mouthwatering than your average fuschia.

主厨谢万镇制做令人垂涎三尺的甜点,已有廿一年的时间。Chef Hsieh Wan-chen has a 21-year history in creating mouthwatering desserts.

橱窗里那些美味得不得了的蛋糕吸引了不少顾客上门。The mouthwatering cakes in the window attracted many customers into the bakery.

世界著名的美食烹调。精美的美日特色饭菜和令人垂涎的点心。Famous world-wide gourmet cuisine. Excellent daily specials and mouthwatering desserts.

清润解燥、甜而不腻、滋润养颜的甜品,有谁不爱吃呢?Desserts with a delicate sweetness which is nourishing and mouthwatering are irresistible.

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自由许可和令人垂涎的美图使得这个网站脱颖而出。It’s that liberal license and the site’s mouthwatering photography that really make Nibbledish special.

本宾馆天天供应享誉世界的美食烹调,精美的每日特餐,以及令人垂涎的点心。Our hotel offers world-famous gourmet cuisine, excellent daily specials and mouthwatering desserts everyday.

下次当你咬苹果的时候,别忘了苹果不只是好吃而已,还能让你长保健康。The next time you bite into an apple, remember apples are more than just mouthwatering . They also keep you healthy.

而中国现在正超越日本成为世界第二大经济体,巨大的市场潜力令人垂涎。With the economy now passing Japan to become the second largest in the world, the potential for more is mouthwatering.

鱼丸汤也是鼓浪屿的特产,蘸上甜辣酱和胡荽的炸鱼糕更是美味诱人。Fish ball soup is a Gulangyu specialty, and the fried fishcakes stuffed with sweet chili sauce and coriander are mouthwatering.

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首先,我尝到了葡萄皮里的一丝酸苦味儿,这会使酿出的葡萄酒清新爽口,令人垂涎欲滴。I first tasted for the slightly bitter acids in the skin. These components would give the wine its crisp, mouthwatering quality.

所以下次你看见更知鸟“头式击发”时,你可以相当确信它们在听和查看那垂涎欲滴的美宴。So the next time you see a robin "head-cocking" you can be fairly sure it's listening and looking for those mouthwatering treats!

那么下次你看见知更鸟摇头的时候,你就可以确信,它正在倾听虫子的动静,寻找令人垂涎的大餐。So the next time you see a robin "head-cocking" you can be fairly sure it's listening and looking for those mouthwatering treats!

青训小前锋亚当摩根憧憬周一晚英格兰对阵德国的U17世界杯四分之一决赛。Academy forward Adam Morgan is relishing the prospect of England's mouthwatering U17 World Cup quarter-final against Germany on Monday night.

中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor.

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将可乐与番茄酱对半混合,涂抹在烤肉的外表,这样烤出来的肉将非常可口。Make an excellent barbecue sauce by mixing Coke and Ketchup , half and half. Coat chicken, meat, etc with this before cooking. It's mouthwatering.

在巧妙地引人注目散文,船长贝克传达她的顾客需求,抚摸她的感觉责任对于情绪,并提供了令人垂涎的食谱。In subtly compelling prose, the master baker conveys her touching sense of responsibility for the emotional needs of patrons, and offers mouthwatering recipes.

与亚洲大部分国家一样,这些国家的主要特点是诱人的经济迅速增长、高储蓄率和低水平竞争。For the most part these are characterised – as is much of Asia – by a mouthwatering combination of fast economic growth, high savings rates and low competition.