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或拨响令人心醉神迷的七弦琴。Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre.

阿波罗歌唱,缪斯把弹琴。Apollo sings, the Muses tune the lyre.

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争论在持续,赫密士开始玩弄他的七弦琴。As the argument went on, Hermes began to play his lyre.

诗歌吟唱时是用七弦琴伴奏的。The poetry was chanted to the accompaniment of the lyre.

因为它的一端是烧焦的,所以大家都叫它焦尾琴。Later it was named Burned End Lyre in honor of its burned tail.

我坐在金色的海岸弹起琴弦,等待与你会见。And I'm playing my lyre on the golden coast, expecting to meet you there.

要用角声赞美他,鼓瑟弹琴赞美他。Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre

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历史学家说,莱昂纳多在意大利的最熟练的七弦琴球员之一。Historians say Leonardo was one of the most skillful lyre players in all of Italy.

阿波罗的象征物是狼、天鹅、渡鸦、雄鹿、海豚、桂冠和竖琴。The symbols of Apollo were the wolf, swan, raven, stag, dolphin, laurel, and lyre.

阿波罗的儿子俄耳甫斯继承了父亲这方面的才能。他的竖琴使人与动物皆受感动。His son, Orpheus, took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike.

大卫应邀进入扫罗王的宫廷,弹琴舒缓王的情绪。When David was invited to King Saul's court, he soothed the king's nerves by playing on his lyre.

甜美的音乐迷住了阿波罗,他提议赫密士用牧群与七弦琴交换。The sweet music enchanted Apollo, and he offered Hermes to keep the cattle in exchange for the lyre.

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为了更合理的使用施拉机,了解和研究驱动轮胎在使用一段时间后的牵引附着性是必要的。It is necessary to know and study the drawbar performance of the used driven lyre for the best use of the tractor.

今天的学生可能没有仆人为他们提着乐器里拉和写字板,但他们却有着比以往任何时候都多的教育机会和资源。While today's students may not have servants to carry their lyre and writing tablets, they do have more opportunities and resources than ever before.

当他帮助波塞冬建造特洛伊城墙时,里拉弹奏的声音太美妙了,以致于石头都有节奏的自动地各就其位。The music from his lyre was so wonderful that stones marched into their own places in rhythmic time when he helped Poseidon build up the walls of Troy.

传说年幼的赫耳墨斯杀死了一只海龟,并从阿波罗处偷来牛内脏,制成肠弦挂在龟板上,由此发明了第一把里拉琴。Legend of young Hermes killed a turtle, and stole cattle from Apollo Office offal, gut strings made of turtle shells hanging, thus invented the first to Lyre.

李小龙扮演英国情报局聘用的功夫高手,通过参加岛上的比武大赛,打入毒枭的领地内部。Lee played a Kong Fu teacher recruited by British intelligence to infiltrate the drug lord's fortress by entering a martial arts competition on his island lyre.

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这里,反叛与回归之间的矛盾有其合理性,进一步拓展了简•爱形象的内涵,对同代女性亦有重要启示意义。The contradiction between the rebellions and compliances has its rationality for it enlarges the connotation of Jane Lyre and has enlightenment to modern women.

在艺术作品中,他常被描绘成英俊的金发青年,通常携带着弓箭。In art, he is often depicted as a handsome young man with golden hair normally carrying a bow. Apollo's symbol was the golden lyre which is an old musical instrument.

根据滚圈处筒体的变形及力平衡条件,建立了计算滚圈与筒体间接触压力分布的数学模型。According to the deformation coordination and force balance condition of shell, the mathematical model to solve the contact pressure between shell and lyre was established.