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什么是恩典?What is Grace?

恩典或业报?Grace or Karma?

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愿恩惠常与你们同在!Grace be with you.

早上好,格蕾斯。Good morning, Grace.

解放油罐车挡位和优雅。Moving off with grace.

格蕾丝的救赎第2季全。Saving Grace Season 2.

优雅的风度。The grace of my style.

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但他赐更多的恩典。But he giveth more grace.

你的美貌,你的清雅。By your beauty and grace.

通过过蒙恩的生活。By living a life of grace.

品尝由内而外真实的优雅。Find our true inner grace.

我说他为人正派且风度翩翩。His decency and his grace?

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也恩宠于我们将要回家的领引。And grace will lead us home.

愿恩惠常与你们众人同在。Grace be with you all. Amen.

他常常对格瑞斯暗送秋波。He offen make eyes at Grace.

她的舞姿袅娜,富有诗情画意。She danced with poetic grace.

他充充满满的有恩典,有真理。He is full of grace and truth.

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我在说人类的优雅。I m talking about human grace.

约翰向格蕾丝求婚。John asked Grace to marry him.

你使格雷斯·豪兰的生活痛苦不堪。You made Grace Howland's life.