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队喷出和热情是一个必须的要求。Team spirt and enthusiasm is a must requirement.

本着这种精神,我们在支付条款上达成协议。We've reached an agreement on payment in this spirt.

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他走了,但是他的精神留下来了。The one who he is gone, but his spirt have left behind.

他们说即使是最骄傲的灵魂也会被爱所伤。They say even the proudest spirt can be broken with love.

先爷的精神气蕴正是“三不朽”思想的时代体现。Xianye's spirt just embodys the time spirit of that idea.

当我耗尽时,以圣灵之光激励我。When I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirt.

儿时只从形式上学习英雄,而没有从精神上。Learning the hero just from the form, not from his spirt when I was a child.

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但其它四个球——家庭、健康、朋友和心情则用玻璃做的。But the other four balls-family , health , friends and spirt are made of glass.

帮助企业提高员工的英语能力和团队精神,增强企业核心竞争力。To sharpen your company's core competitiveness, English ability and team spirt.

主耶稣要求他的使徒安心等候父的应许---这应许就是圣灵。Jesus himself asked His disciples to wait on the promise of the Father, which is the Holy Spirt.

我们的精神是同等的,就如同跟我经过坟墓,将同样地站在上帝面前。It is my spirt can equal with yours, it is especially pass his grave and still before him equally.

而我将会一直在这个世界看着你,并成为你在这样世界以最纯净灵魂存在过的证明。And I will always look up on you from here and be the evidence that you have lived with a purest spirt.

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存在一个持续不断的引领所有人走向光明的导师,他能指引所有灵魂。There is one Master, the Guiding Spirt of all souls, who constantly leads his followers towards the light.

怀疑精神就是不断探寻根据的精神,反思精神就是追求合理性的精神。The sceptical spirit is one to seek grounds constantly and the introspective spirt just to seek rationality.

前法国总统吉斯卡尔·德斯坦最近曾表示,欧洲和睦的精神应当回归。Former French President Giscard d’Estaing recently said that the spirt of amity in Europe should be restored.

在律师事务所近两年的工作经验使我富有团队精神,并且能与各种不同身份的人保持良好的沟通。I have the spirt of team group and keep in touch with people who have different positions, working for law firm about 2 years.

主啊,当我困惑时,求祢引导。当我厌倦时,求祢激励。当我失去热情,求祢用圣灵的光注入我。Lord, when I am confused, guide me. When I am weary, energize me. When I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirt.

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那么你错了,我和你一样有血有肉,我的灵魂在对你的灵魂讲话,我们在上帝眼里是平等的!Well, you are wrong! I have as much soul and heart as you . It's my spirt that speak to your spirt! We're equal in the sight of god!

她既保留了中国人的勤奋、善良和强烈的家庭责任感,又吸取了西方人坚强独立、勇于追求的开拓精神。She enjoys both Chinese people's virtue, such as diligence, kindness and strong responsibility for family and Western people's firm determination, independence and pioneering spirt.

但其它四个球——家庭、健康、朋友和心情则用玻璃做的。如果扔其中的任何一个,它们将不可挽回地被磨损、留疤、损毁甚至粉碎。But the other four balls-family , health , friends and spirt are made of glass. lf you drou one of these , they will be irrevocably scuffed , markered , nicked , damaged or even shattered.