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工人们私下议论,男主一点儿不像农场的少爷,反到像是地痞无赖。Workers are grumblers, men dont like farm master, to like riffraff.

没有人告诉过你一个人通过那段路是很危险的吗?Haven't you been told it's dangerous to drive alone through all that riffraff ?

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一些早期会员抱怨说该网站现在充斥着垃圾邮件和地痞无赖。Some early members complain that the site is being overrun by spammers and riffraff.

你如果跟像韦斯莱家或海格这样不三不四的人混在一起,你会受到影响的。You hang around with riffraff like the Weasleys and that Hagrid and it'll rub off on you.

而事实上,他的公园议案也被阿纳海姆市拒绝,因为他们认为这样的公园只会招致群氓。In fact, the proposed park was rejected by the city of Anaheim on the grounds that it would only attract riffraff.

当然,他们有助手把“重要”来电整理出来,阻止那些无名来电的侵入。They had assistants, of course, to sort 'important' calls from the rest and block the riffraff from reaching them.

他要在那儿宴请泰欣黑的商务代办、往来的商船船长和南太平洋流浪汉中的头面人物。He would entertain there the factor of Taiohae, captains of wandering traders, and all the best of the South Pacific riffraff.

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萨科奇和卡梅伦这样的痞子流氓,其目的之可耻性完全是一眼就能看穿的,而正是他们被喝彩和崇拜--而您突然支持了他们。That such riffraff as Sarkozy and Cameron, whose aims are transparently sordid, were applauded and worshipped—and you suddenly give them support.

孙晓枫认为,中国“80后”艺术目前遭遇的窘境,与当年王朔的痞子文学出道时被王蒙痛驳的情形十分雷同。Sun Xiaofeng holds that the dilemma encountered by the 80's is quite the same as the situation when Wang Meng attacked Wang Shuo's Riffraff Literature.

群氓时代的希望或许在于寻求一种自然与自由的和谐,而教育的存在方式应该体现出这个尽管是隐匿的和谐。The riffraff time probably hopes pursuing a harmony of nature and freedom, and the existence of education should present this harmony in spite of its dormancy.

关于他的罪行的报道极少,但还是有,一共就那么寥寥几行,夹在那些乱七八糟的关于各地谋杀、车祸、结婚以及其它消息的电讯报道之中。Very little was given to his crime, but it was there, several "sticks" in all, among all the riffraff of telegraphed murders, accidents, marriages, and other news.