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通用性强是其主要优势。Versatility is its main advantage.

我正在讲它的一些多样性。I am showing some versatility here.

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多才多艺是这个时代的口号。Versatility is the watchword today.

一如菲尔普斯在泳池上那么多才多艺。Versatility. Just like Phelps in the pool.

战隼的多用途仍在探索中。The Falcon's versatility is still being explored.

纽博格林需要这种全能性赛车。The Nurburgring demands that kind of versatility.

新da15安培相结合的可携性及多功能性。The new DA15 amp combines portability and versatility.

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为方便和多功能的内部铲存储。Internal shovel storage for easy access and versatility.

但这种通用性掩盖了它的一种最强大的工具。But that versatility masks one of its most powerful tools.

该试验验证了中继设备的性能和多功能性。The tests confirmed the relay's performance and versatility.

在科学的多功能性上,作为一个练习,这是有趣的。This is interesting as an exercise in scientific versatility.

艾琳多才多艺,是一位出类拔萃的女演员。Aileen stands out for her incredible versatility as an actress.

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这两个例子显示了今天IP应用的多功能性。These two examples show the versatility of today's IP applications.

香港的制造商素以灵活应变见称。Manufacturing firms in Hong Kong are renowned for their versatility.

桑德海姆又一次的展现出他的多才多艺和改编能力。Sondheim again was able to show his versatility and his adaptability.

零部件采用通用性强的系列化设计,具有多种安装方式。Parts versatility of seriation design, with a variety of installation.

更快的单圈成绩,最大的多功能性和易于驾驶的限制。Faster lap times, maximum versatility and ease of driving at the limit.

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与闸阀或截止阀相比,蝶阀具有更好的“通用性”。They are superior in "versatility" as compared to a gate or globe valve.

戈尔茨坦女士说,它的多功能性和价格是一个福音。Ms. Goldstein said its versatility and affordability, though, were a boon.

水泵可以被安装到底座,吸水口面左,增加了多功能性。Pump able to be re-mounted on base with suction facing left for versatility.