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具有强烈的艺术感染力。Have the art atmosphere of the mightiness.

不如国标舞中所展示的那么强烈。Not equal to country mark dance in demonstration of so mightiness.

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似带着强烈的不甘,却又只能无可奈何地破碎。Take mightiness of unwilling, but again can have no option ground to fall in chips.

也正因为其批判对象的成熟和强大,它才更具有旺盛的批判活力。In fact, its prolific critical vigor just comes from the rival's maturity and mightiness.

岩体物理力学性质较差,风化和水土流失强烈。The rock physics mechanics property is bad, weathering and the soil erosion are mightiness.

培育具有强大加工信用产品能力的新型服务业。Grow the new servicing business of credit to have mightiness power of processing credit product.

音乐创造因为有了它的强烈而清晰的个性特征而充满魅力。Music creation because had it of mightiness but clear character characteristic but be full of magic power.

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公母鸡合群后,公鸡之间会发生强烈的争偶斗架。After male hen live together as a group, of rooster would occurrence mightiness of contend for accidentally a Dou.

这是工业污染控制战略的一个根本性变革,在世界上引起了强烈的反响。This is industrial root change of strategy of the pollution control, because the echo of the mightiness in the world.

我不知道是因为这个世界变化太快还是因为我思想的欲望越来越强烈。I don't know is because of this world variety too quick still because of I thought of desire more and more mightiness.

亿万道电光在云端疾走,交锋,搏斗,激起一片震天动地的雷声,仿佛要把这座山城炸开。一场暴雨随时等候着雷公的派遣。And the mountain town, almost split apart by the wrath of His Mightiness , awaited the storm that might come in no time.

我又强烈要求老板以198块7的价格与我成交,这是我当时的全部家当。I again mightiness request the owner clinch a deal with me by 198 pieces 7 prices, this is me at that time of all house be.

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视频通信的强大信息量使得开发无线视频通信成为必然之势。The mightiness information of video communication makes the design of the wireless video communication become inevitable trend.

菲律宾总统阿罗约的风度强烈吸引着她的拥护者,但她强调只能接受丈夫的亲吻。Philippines president invite of poise mightiness attraction she of advocator , but she emphasize a can accept a husband of kiss.

领域模型成形的基础主要是自治团体,后者源于文化、历史和权力。Domain models will mostly be shaped on a foundation of autonomy which has organically risen from culture, history and mightiness.

他总是这样,来得那样悄无声息,却一次更比一次带给她强烈的震撼。He forever so, must so and silently have no voice amuse, but contrast more at a time to send her by the time mightiness of ghastly.

素描的表现力具有强烈的形象美感和不可代替的单独的艺术魅力。The performance of the sketch dint have mightiness of image pleasant impression with not commutability of alone of art magic power.

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同时,桀担心汤势力壮大而威胁自己,便将汤召人夏都,囚禁在夏台。Meanwhile, Jie feared that the mightiness of Shang might be a threat, so he summoned Tang to the capital and imprisoned him in Xiatai.

强烈的好奇心令两人将种种不安抛诸脑后,一心只要进入汉陵看个究竟。直到此时。Mightiness of the curiosity make 2 people forget various discomforts, one heart as long as get into a man Ling to see actually. Until at this time.

传世的雕塑与绘画揭示了昔日繁荣昌盛、万国来贺的强大与华美。Extant artworks including sculptures and paintings reveal past prosperity, mightiness and magnificent that hundreds countries' worship brought about.