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也许我们的跨文化之旅能够对他人有所裨益。Perhaps our intercultural journey can be of help to others.

另一个目标是让卫生人员具有跨文化的技能。Another objective is to give health personnel intercultural skills.

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翻译是一种跨语言文化的交际。Translation is a kind of interlingual and intercultural communication.

最近艾米在进行一些儿童跨文化适应材料的学习。Recently Amy was working on some intercultural adjustment materials for kids.

首先,了解背景情况对不同文化之间的交流非常重要。First, context is very important to understanding intercultural communication.

但是跨文化对话不只是转让技术、种子和品种。But intercultural dialogue is more than transferring technologies, seeds and breeds.

饮食文化也是跨文化交际中非语言文化重要组成部分之一。Diet culture is an important non-linguistic part of the intercultural communication.

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在跨文化交际中,非语言行为所提供的信息是不容勿视的。Information offered by extra-linguistic cannot be ignored in the intercultural exchange.

一个成功的涉外婚姻最关键的就是要培养理解与耐心。The key to a successful intercultural marriage is to develop understanding and patience.

事实上,每一个跨国并购案例同时也是一场跨文化沟通战役。Actually, dynamic intercultural communication battle follows every Cross-border M&A case.

我得以开设了关于跨文化交际的一门新的课程来引导我们的学生。I was able to develop a new course on Intercultural Communications to orient our students.

母文化学养对跨文化交际具有十分重要的影响。Learning about one's native culture has a great influence upon intercultural communication.

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非语言行为在跨文化语言交流中的重要作用是不可替代的。The importance of non-verbal behavior in the intercultural communication is non displaceable.

我在澳大利亚的一些朋友就跨文化婚姻的困难之处警告我。Some of my friends in Australia warned me about the difficulties of intercultural relationships.

翻译不仅是语际间的转换,同时也应该是文化间的转换。Translation, therefore, is not only interlingual communication but also intercultural communication.

我觉得在伦敦格里昂分校学习是件令人激动的事情,很专业而且文化多元。I would describe being part of the Glion London community as exciting, professional and intercultural.

同时,跨文化知识和学习策略也必须在一定的语境中才能达到预期的效果。In addition, intercultural knowledge and learning strategies should be contextualized to achieve effects.

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副语言作为其中一种非常信息交流符号,在实际交际中起着重要的作用。Paralanguage, as a kind of nonverbal symbol, is of considerate importance in intercultural communication.

因此,有必要进行更深层次的不同文化间的对比研究,以理解它的别的涵义。Thus, it is worthwhile to undertake a deeper intercultural research to understand its other applications.

国外对跨文化适应与心理问题较有影响的研究主要有五项成果。There are mainly five influential achievements in the study of intercultural adaptation and mental problems.