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威尔站在导航控制台前面。Will stood at the NAV station.

航后检查发现左后航行灯不亮。Postflight check found L AFT NAV light not on.

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项目名称在“导航条项目”列表中显示。Element names appear in the Nav Bar Elements list.

科比远远出现在那辆黑色车边。Kobe Bryant emerges from the far side of the black Nav.

我希望在导航条中的每个链接之间创建分隔线。I want to create dividers between each link in the nav bar.

在T9资产净值开始工作的权利,从主屏幕上您的电话。T9 Nav starts working right from the home screen of your phone.

他走到导航台,把一只手放在贝丝的肩头。He moved to the NAV station and set one hand on Bethany's shoulder.

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在寿命期不等的互斥方案优选中,净年值法是一种合适的方法。NAV is a proper method for comparison of the schemes with different life.

该飞机选装了双通道导航接收机,可以接收VOR和ILS信号。The aircraft was equipped with dual nav receivers capable of receiving VOR and ILS signals.

所有表现资料以港元、资产净值对资产净值、股息再投资计算。All performance figures are calculated in HKD based on NAV to NAV with gross income accumulated.

该基金的资产净值近来增长强劲,速度超过了任何一项基准指标,为上述说法提供了依据。Their claim has been supported by recent strong NAV growth at a rate outstripping any benchmark.

爸妈都有他们的手机,还有长辈们的音乐播放器,还有导航设备——你在脑海想想那个画面吧。Mom and dad have their phones, then there's junior's music player, the nav device -- you get the picture.

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该型号机器人还装备有一部小型导航计算机,使它能计算机超空间航线以辅助飞行。The droid even included an abbreviated nav computer that allowed it calculate hyperspace coordinates on the fly.

拉希摩尔的兰杰-纳维-辛格说,当旗子被展开的时候,安全警报和游客提醒了有关人员。Mount Rushmore Ranger Nav Singh said security warnings and tourists alerted officials when the banner was unrolled.

如果网络空间也会有导航软件的话,那么这个岔路口就不会成为威胁中那样的事故高发点了。If only there were a sat nav for cyberspace this junction would not be the accident blackspot it is threatening to be.

三年后,萨拉的飞船因导航电脑故障,锁定航线向一颗中子星撞去。Three years later, Salla's nav computer malfunctioned and deposited her vessel on a collision course with a neutron star.

用户可以通过浏览选择类型,播放列表,热门歌曲,或定期更新的渠道,在左侧导航虚拟垃圾箱。Users can browse the virtual bins in the left-side nav by selecting genres, playlists, top songs, or regularly-updated channels.

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一些不同于基洛的导航界面信息在本部分后面的简略基洛导航界面中介绍。Some Nav Station information unique to the Kilo is contained in the abbreviated Kilo Navigation Station section later in this section.

顶部导航条提供给用户一种很方便,简洁分类展示方式,让用户访问品类繁多的有组织的内容A top nav bar provides a convenient compact display of category options to the user, providing access to a wide variety of organized content.

警方后来破获了这起盗车案,但提醒驾车人士不要将自己家庭的信息存在导航仪上。The sports car has since been recovered but police are warning motorists to steer clear of saving their home address to their sat nav memory.