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学生尊敬这位老教授。Students revere the old professor.

以色列的后裔,都要惧怕他。Revere him, all you descendants of Israel!

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那会是很可怕的,我绝对敬仰他。That would be dreadful, I absolutely revere him.

将愚人从他们所敬拜的锁链下解放出来是非常困难的。It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere.

人们想知道为什么里维尔在特拉华州的四分之一。People wondered why Revere was on the Delaware quarter.

亿度,竭诚服务您的尊荣生活!EDU, serves you to revere the glory life wholeheartedly!

里维尔一直都有参加公共事务。From the beginning, Revere participated in public affairs.

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我要教导你们敬畏耶和华。I will teach you to revere and worshipfully fear the Lord.

易百,竭诚服务您的尊荣生活!Easy hundred serves you to revere the glory life wholeheartedly!

幸而鄙视红帽子的人也还崇拜红法冠呢。It is lucky that those who despise it in a cap revere it in a hat.

纪念馆址已选定在加拿大作为永久的纪念。People came to the memorial to revere the memory of the great leader.

有500年历史的焦特布尔市的印度教居民崇敬哈努曼叶猴。The Hindu people of this 500 year-old city, revere the Hanuman languars.

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渔村村民以海为生,对大海充满了崇敬和敬畏之情。The fishermen make a living with the sea, so they respect and revere the sea.

她虽然身轻体瘦,也从没见过她打架,那份不怒自威的高贵气质却令所有的猫敬畏。She looks thin, never seen she fight, but her dignity makes other cats revere.

众神祝福最后福音期开启,万王称颂全民内心敬重。Blessed to open the last dispensation, Kings shall extol him, and nations revere.

我愿成为秋天忠诚的信徒,让乡村田野每一个角落的人们了解它的奇妙。I wanted to become a Panl Revere of autumn, awakening the countryside to its wonder.

我还以为,那些行走在校园里的满头白发、单薄瘦弱的老教授,才是一所大学中最亮丽的风景线。I even revere those old thin professors with white hair a bright scenery in a university.

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这种做法就是拜偶像,因为圣经教导我们说我们只可以信靠神,敬拜神。This is idolatry because the Bible teaches us that we may only rely on God and revere Him.

我的救主,我敬拜你,我尊崇你的名,因你是复活的主,你是神的爱子!My Savior, I worship and revere Your name for You are the risen Christ, beloved Son of God.

但向你们敬畏我名的人、必有公义的日头出现、其光线有医治之能。But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.