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我在秋日里沉思迟迟,望断南凝汽。I musing late in the autumn day, gazing off southward.

整个冬天,叶甫盖尼守在他那阴暗的房间里读书和沉思。All that winter Eugene kept to his gloomy room, reading and musing.

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那里对于充满梦幻并喜欢咬文嚼字的诗人来说应该是个让他们很自在的地方,他们可以在那里深思关于死亡的问题。Any dreamy, pen-chewing poet would feel at home there, musing on mortality.

他没精打采地穿过百老汇大街走了,阿切尔站在那儿望着他的背影,品味着他最后的几句话。He slouched off across Broadway, and Archer stood looking after him and musing on his last words.

克里斯,”威尔金斯博士写道,冥想自己曾经离做出发现是那么的近。Christ,” Dr. Wilkins wrote, musing on how close he might have come to making the discovery himself.

他把椅子往后退了一下,扭住双手放在头上,陷入了呆滞乏味的沉思。He drew back his chair, clasped his hands over his head, and gave himself up to dull and arid musing.

他抓住她的手,温柔地握着,他久久地凝视着她,而她沉思地四下看看,心里一片温暖。He took her hand and held it genially. He looked steadily at her as she glanced about, warmly musing.

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我禁不住想到自己的未来,我不能再像以前那样,如果那样,我将一事无成!I couldnot help musing about my future. I couldnot stay the same as before! If so, I would be nothing.

沃特金斯对细节的处理杂乱无章,思考问题重于回答问题。Mr Watkins gets lost rambling among minor details, and prefers musing over questions to answering them.

但他沉思片刻后说,英文版维基非常需要关注内容准确性问题。But after musing a short while, he concludes that the English version of the site is now really focusing on accuracy.

昨天我写了一篇关于精神学名人的文章,沉思于先进的技术给我们的心理健康带来的影响。I wrote an article at Celebrity Psychings yesterday musing on the effects advanced technology has on our mental health.

正当我在思索这些事情时,我的注意力被圆顶下一个井一样美丽的建筑吸引住了。While I was musing upon these things, my attention was attracted by a pretty little structure, like a well under a cupola.

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他在大窗户旁边的一只红丝绒长沙发上坐了下来,窗外看得见百老汇大街的喧闹景象,他坐在那里想着心事。Finding a seat on one of the red plush divans close to the great windows which look out on Broadway's busy rout, he sat musing.

但是,你这富人,在太阳欢乐的金光中,在月亮沉思的柔光中,这些单纯的辉煌,你的财富却不占分毫。But, you man of riches, your wealth has no part in the simple grandeur of the sun's glad gold and the mellow gleam of the musing moon.

只要是林惇夫人一离开这间房子,我就看见他自己在微笑——简直是在狞笑——而且沉入凶险的冥想中。I saw him smile to himself--grin rather--and lapse into ominous musing whenever Mrs Linton had occasion to be absent from the apartment.

对反于自我隐居,成为冥想其学院知识的私人专业菁英社群,公共适切性无疑是正确的方向。Public relevance is definitely the right direction instead of secluding itself as a private elite professional community musing with its academic knowledge.

整个冬天,叶甫盖尼守在他那阴暗的房间里读书和沉思。终于,在绝望之余,他未经通报就径直去见达吉雅娜,出其不意地撞见她正在重新阅读他给她的信。All that winter Eugene kept to his gloomy room, reading and musing. At last, in desperation , he called on Tatyana unannounced and surprised her rereading his letters.

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二十五年前,他父亲在扶手椅里沉思一整天后,也说了同样的话,这是他吞下一瓶安眠药之前作出的最后结论。Twenty-five years ago, his father, after a long day of musing in his armchair, had said the same thing, his final verdict before he swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills.

“如果当时我没上大学的话,我应该会去纽约,”他回忆着,默默想着如果他选择了那条路的话,那他的生活,甚至是我们的生活,会是什么样子。“I think I might have headed to New Yorkif I didn’t go to college, ” he recalled, musing on how different his world—and perhaps all of ours—might have been if he had chosen that path.

在一月的时候,萨科奇也上诉爱尔兰瑞安航空公司,把布鲁尼夫人沉思的动作作为广告,而因为这航空公司便宜的机票,她在意大利的亲戚都可以飞过来参加他们的婚礼。In January, the Sarkozys also sued Irish budget airline Ryanair over an advert featuring Ms Bruni musing that, thanks to cheap flights, her Italian relatives would be able to attend their wedding.