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建模和可视化工具。Modeling and visualization tools.

那便是被动直观化。That's the passive visualization.

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这是一个充满智慧的形象艺术作品。This is clever visualization and art work.

想象是一种很有作用的练习。Visualization is a powerful form of practice.

单元1-3之分子视觉化练习。Molecular Visualization Exercises For Modules 1-3.

给自己时间,创造形象化的每一天。Give yourself time for creative visualization daily.

有点类似形象化,不过灵感得调用你所有的感官。Similar to visualization except you use all your senses.

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然而,可视化不总是必要或有帮助。However, visualization is not always necessary or helpful.

这个程序演示了可视化的条码扫描线。This program demonstrates visualization of bar code scanlines.

人们必须刷BIOS来开启这一功能。People had to hack their BIOS to turn on visualization support.

实现海底微形地貌的可视化。Realizing the visualization of the seabed subminiature terrain.

直接观察胎儿情况的内窥镜。Fetoscopy --- A technique for direct visualization of the fetus.

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有了这种规模的储存库,可视化就会成为一个问题。With any repository of that size, visualization becomes an issue.

在数据分析中,可视化工具较便利于进行溯因推理。In data analysis, visualization facilitates the abductive process.

因此,这就是我们的可视化技术分析开始的地方。So, this is where our analysis of visualization techniques begins.

对可视化模板有一些可应用的变量。There are several variables applicable to a visualization pattern.

观想与妄想有,何不同?What is the difference between visualization and delusive thoughts?

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引入了扩散张量磁共振数据集的拓扑可视化方法。A topological visualization method for DT-MRI dataset is introduced.

内在化是一种多功能的介于发自肺腑的和视觉化之间的感觉。Visceralization is a portmanteau between visceral and visualization.

本文实现了基于VTK的三维管网系统。Finally, a pipeline visualization system based on VTK is implemented.