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威利吓了一跳,脸腾地一下变得通红。Willie jumped and flushed hotly.

布丁和爱情都要趁热享用。Puddings and paramours would be hotly handled.

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委员会对这个问题进行了激烈辩论。The issue was hotly disputed in the committee.

总之,寒则痛而啼,热则烦而啼。In brief, the cold pain cries, is tired of hotly cries.

竞争最激烈的席位是西欧地区。The most hotly contested seats were for Western Europe.

罗斯托夫面红耳赤,把多洛霍夫喊到另一间房里。Rostov flushing hotly drew Dolohov away into the other room.

两个队旗鼓相当,打得十分激烈。The two teams well-matched, and the game was hotly contested.

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同性婚姻的合法地位引发了人们的激烈辩论。The legal status of same-sex marriages has been hotly debated.

希腊步兵没有办法紧追敌人Basically, the Greeks couldn't pursue very hotly with infantry.

你们可以听到人们天南海北什么都谈得很热烈…One could hear every subject under the sun being hotly discussed.

大伙儿在会上争得不可开交,他却在一旁看热闹.Everyone debated in the meeting hotly while he is just watched it.

FDA对水丰三文鱼的标注一直是一个激烈争论的问题。FDA labeling of AquaBounty salmon has been a hotly contested issue.

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所有这些优势依旧存在,美国权力的未来如何却在激烈争辩中。All this is still true, but the future of U.S. power is hotly debated.

在为一个董会席位职位激烈的竞赛或选举战中。In the hotly contested race for one seat on the Riverdale School Board.

这些尚未定义的空间将无疑地会受到热烈的竞逐与争斗。These as-yet undefined spaces will no doubt be hotly contested and fought over.

在华语网站上激烈地辩论着,她漂亮的相片有着数以百万计的点击率。Hotly debated on Chinese-language Web sites, her saucy photos get millions of hits.

多产的科普作家艾撒克·阿西莫夫对贾斯特罗的书提出了强烈的批评。Isaac Asimov, the prodigious popularizer of science, reacts hotly to the Jastrow book.

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萨尔瓦多·阿连德死亡的情况一直存在诸多争议。The circumstances surrounding Salvador Allende's death have always been hotly debated.

旅游业在社区媒体和在线渠道上的争夺甚为激烈。The area of social media and online is certainly hotly contended for the travel sector.

做私活是在设计界倍受争议的一个话题,我们并不打算在这展开讨论。Spec work is a hotly debated topic in the design industry, and we won't get into it here.