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这对翼龙来说非常巨大。This is huge for a pterosaur.

翼龙足迹为四足行走,行迹宽。The pterosaur trackway is quadrupedal, with wide gauge.

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这里曾是“黄河古象”、“环江翼龙”的故乡。Here was "like the ancient Yellow River", "pterosaur Huanjiang" hometown.

研究者们还发现了一块巨大的翼龙喙化石,翼龙是一种可飞行的爬行动物。Of the pterosaur —a flying reptile—the researchers found a large fragment of beak.

帕蒂恩也不能确信翼龙旁边那个圆形构造就是一枚卵。He's also not convinced that the round structure found with the pterosaur is an egg.

为了及时欢迎产卵,一只怀孕的翼龙正在全力地赶往家中。The pregnould like pterosaur was just trying to make it home in time to lay her egg.

足迹特征表明该翼龙足迹属于一新种。Based on the character of pterosaur tracks, the authors assign them to a new ichnosp.

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这张图像是夜间飞行纤弱梳颌翼龙的骨骼标本。This image shows the skeleton of the nocturnal flyer Ctenochasma elegans, a pterosaur.

最近,研究人员在中国发现了保存完整的首个翼龙蛋。Researchers have discovered the first three-dimensionally preserved pterosaur eggs in China.

翼手龙的骨骼也有相似的特征,其它一些种类的中生代爬行动物也是如此。Pterosaur bones have similar features, as do those of several other groups of Mesozoic reptiles.

好了,那么我们有了个拥有翼龙翅膀的超大鳄鱼,还能抵挡住火枪的火力。OK, so we’ve got a very large alligator with the wings of a pterosaur that can repel musket fire.

昂温及同事说,新开中变。该发现能够解答由来已久的、相关翼龙性别差异的问题。出了。He and colleagues say the find could answer longstanding questions about differences in pterosaur sexes.

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环江翼龙化石的发现,是中国古动物学界,特别是翼龙研究学的一件大事。Huanjiang pterosaur fossils, ancient animals of China scholars, in particular pterosaur Studies is a major event.

“翼龙”指的就是为了这些古老的爬行动物是属于,他们第一次飞行的脊椎动物。" Pterosaur " refers to the order that these ancient reptiles belong to, and they were the first flying vertebrates.

相反,他说翼龙使用它所有的四肢向前跑动,从而使自己飞到空中。Instead, he says a pterosaur used all four limbs, leapfrogging forward on its knuckles, to propel itself into the air.

三亚翼龙是三亚自然博物馆的镇馆之宝,它发现于热河生物群且落户三亚,故命名为三亚翼龙。Sanya Pterosaur is the most Precious in our museum. It was found in Jehol Biota and located in Sanya, so given the name.

他的研究结果可能并不受到翼龙专家的钟爱,翼龙专家们认为翼龙是一种擅长动态高空翱翔的动物。His findings may not be the favorite pterosaur experts, pterosaur pterosaur experts believe is a good dynamic high-altitude flying animals.

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但是,一些骨骼化石专家却指出翼龙的骨骼进化形式能够完全适合于飞行。However, some experts have pointed out that the fossil bones of the pterosaur bones in the form of evolution can not fully suitable for flight.

“如果我们在中生代,”他说,“就像今天有鸟类专家一样,会有人专门研究翼龙。”"If we were around in the Mesozoic, " he said, "there would be people who were pterosaur specialists in just the way we have ornithologists" today.

根据先前发现的化石,古生物学家原本估计,体型最大的翼龙的翼展可能在33英呎左右,荣登有史以来最大的飞翔动物的宝座。Based on previous fossil finds, paleontologists had estimated the largest pterosaur wingspans to be around 33ft, making it the largest ever animal to fly.