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包登太太是一位面黄肌瘦的小妇人,梳着不太整洁的棕色头发。Mrs. Bowdon was a little sallow woman with ratty brown hair.

他想到了他的羊肉串和那些油腻腻的,在滚烫的上等油里炸的猪肉。He thought of his mutton kebabs and ratty pork cooked in the hottest, finest oil.

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杰克罗素梗犬「雷提」被一辆汽车撞死,距离牠喜爱的巴士站牌仅数码远。Jack Russell Ratty was killed by a vehicle just yards from his favourite bus stop.

在孩子们的纯真心里,破旧的地毯成了具有魔力的斗篷。In the alembic of the child's mind, the ratty old blanket became a magnificent cape.

于是她先是帮他把食堂的事情弄妥,然后又带着他参观了一番校园。She helped him negotiate the Ratty and, afterward, took him on a tour of the university.

“贪吃的花子们!”他朝食物凑拢去,“鼠兄,怎不邀请我呀?”Greedy beggars! ' he observed, making for the provender. 'Why did not you invite me, Ratty ?

她把一个像老鼠的丝巾从她的口袋拉出来而且扫除涵盖了它的灰尘最坏。She pulled a ratty bandanna out of her pocket and wiped away the worst of the dust that covered it.

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我们主要有两个食堂,一个叫Ratty,一个叫V-Dub,两个食堂一个在南边,一个在北边。We have two main cafeterias, the Ratty and the V-Dub, which are on opposite sides, South and North.

晚间在沙滩上燃起篝火,我不知今夕是何夕。I like my ratty dreadlocks and broken nails, not knowing what day it is and spending bonfire night on the beach.

我只是想穿得舒服点,一条顶到膝盖学生式的运动短裤,再戴一顶破旧的运动帽,让我感觉非常舒适。I just want to be comfortable, and old college sweatpants cut off at the knee and ratty exercise tops are pretty darn comfy.

雷提在2006年成名,当时,45岁的凯先生透露,这条狗如何时常独自远行五英里,来到约克的「黑牛酒馆」。Ratty became a celebrity in 2006 when Mr Kay, 45, revealed how the dog often travelled the five miles to the Black Bull in York alone.

你也许已经忘记最初的想法怎样出现的了,忘记它怎样身着破烂的蓝牛仔裤和染上番茄酱的T恤衫出现在你家门口的。You may have forgotten how your first idea arrived, how it showed up on your doorstep in ratty bluejeans and a ketchup stained t-shirt.

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在显微镜之下,原本看起来很干净的表面其实像砖墙一样凹凸不平,如果这堵墙看起来破烂不堪或疏松易碎,就说明珍珠层没有用。Under the microscope, the stuff they're after looks like a clean, structurally sound brick wall. If the wall looks ratty or crumbly, it's no good.

之后,铺位上纷纷铺起污迹斑斑的列车床垫,走廊里顿时到处都是胳膊和露在外面、穿著破袜子的脚丫子。Afterwards, flecked mattesses were extended on the dosses. At once arms and toes wearing ratty socks exposed could be seen everywhere in the passage.

默多克指了指撒旦的衣服,T恤衫和破牛仔裤外面裹着一件脏外套。Murdoch gestured to Satan's wardrobe—a dusty overcoat wrapped over a T-shirt and ratty jeans. Satan swept the flies away from his nose again and spoke.

如果我在工作周内感到心情不适,那通常就是因为我长时间的趴在桌子上写作不曾移动的缘故,而且我发现,一阵快走常常能让我心情倍感舒适。If I’m in a ratty mood during the workday, it’s usually because I’ve been at my desk writing for too long without moving around. I find that a brisk walk always cheers me up.