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拼搭场内实现了系统的表示层。The layer of denotation was implemented by the building field.

一个单词的含义是由表面义和引申义组成的。A word's meaning is made up of both denotation and connotation.

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在此基础上针对XML的刻面描述构件表示。Based on this it described the component denotation against XML.

例如,“人”这个词的外延式约翰、玛丽这样的任何人。For example, the denotation of human is any person such as John and Mary.

如何理解意义,概念,内涵,外延等相互间的区别?How to understand the difference between meaning, concept, connotation and denotation?

中古汉语时期,由此基本义产生出许多引申义。Many connotations are developed on the basis of this denotation in the mediaeval times.

“家“的意义是”一个人的住所“,但是它还有许多涵意。The denotation of the word "home"is "place whee one lives, "but it has many connotations.

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译文不仅要在会义上,而且也要在涵义上忠于原文。The translated version should be faithful not only in denotation but also in connotation.

“家”这个词的直接意义是指“人居住的地方”,但是它还有许多涵义。The denotation of the word "home" is "place where one lives, " but it has many connotations.

这种指称的多层面性使得“楚辞”研究领域呈现出众彩纷呈之局面。The multiple dimensions of this denotation in the fields of ChuCi research take on various shapes.

在任何情况下,讽刺的作用,都是表达了符号和涵义之间的张力。In any case, the tension between denotation and connotation is part of the way in which irony works.

对如何理解这一表述、其外延如何及与相关概念关系做了分析。The text will tell how to analysis its connotation and denotation and relation with the related concept.

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罗兰·巴特符号学理论的核心是区分了符号的直接意指和含蓄意指。The core of Roland Barthes's theory is the distinction between the denotation and connotation of the symbols.

“自然”的文化哲学外延,在19世纪浪漫主义时期达到了顶峰。The cultural and philosophical denotation of"nature"has reached its peak in the 19th-century Romantic period.

结果表明,此前提出的所有不等价表示式中,只有个别表示式对这些算子是可计算的。The connotation and denotation representations of pseudo-symplectic space about symplectic space are demonstrate.

“歌曲译配”与“歌曲翻译”是一对易混的词,目前学界对其内涵与外延尚缺乏严格界定与辨析。The denotation and connotation of song dubbing and song translation are not defined clearly in translation circle.

异质性指事物间不同类不可比的现象,它通过符号指谓显现出来,并成为符号意识不可回避的问题。It is a mode of consciousness peculiar to human being to know things by means of the denotation and predication of symbol.

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成语以整体来表示一定的意义,它是经人们锤炼而成的言简意赅的语言精华。It expresses a certain denotation as a whole, it is the language essence which was practiced concisely and comprehensively.

邵先生对教育的捐赠发挥了显著效益,为人类文明作出了贡献。Shao's denotation for education has showed obvious effectiveness, and has made contributions to the civilization of the human being.

现实主义电影的内涵与外延处于不断变化之中,手法与形式不断创新,其核心是对现实的深切关怀和深刻表现。The core of realistic films manifest reality by the connotation and denotation of constant change and innovation of creation and forms.