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这布很经洗。The cloth ashes ell.

木头烧成了灰。The wood burned to ashes.

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灰坑了有一堆烤土豆。They left the ashes here.

在牙缝中有灰渣。There were ashes in his teeth.

只是调了一下对比度!Anamnesis is the ashes of time.

碱液是从木炭中滤取的。Lye is leached from wood ashes.

火星在灰烬中熄灭。The sparks expired in the ashes.

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南兵北卒战如灰。Ashes of soldiers South or North.

他们生吃或者把幼虫烤成灰吃。Eaten raw or cooked in hot ashes.

园内设立骨灰存放处。Park set up the ashes repository.

喷出黑烟和灰土。A volcano belches smoke and ashes.

使用唾液,衣角,和灰烬。He uses spit and cloths and ashes.

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我宁愿做烈火余灰也不愿做粉尘飞扬!I would rather be ashes than dust!

灰就是你,变成了灰再回来。Ashes thou wert, unto ashes return.

现在只剩一点红灰烬啦。There are only a few red ashes now.

给他们留下来的所有东西只有灰烬。All that was left of them was ashes.

他弹去雪茄烟烟灰。He flicked the ashes from his cigar.

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他把烟灰从烟斗里磕出来。He tapped the ashes out of the pipe.

这场火灾把那所房子化为灰烬。The fire reduced the house to ashes.

直到回忆被烧成了灰。Until the burnt into ashes memories.