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感谢神给我在小小天使和新民中心的“训练”!I thank God for the "training" I had in LLA and NIC.

分析显示溶液中有几格令的砷。The analysis showed a few grains of arse nic in the solution.

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仅仅独立网卡可以被远程唤醒。Only Add-in NIC cards will be able to remotely wake the system.

在一个乙太区域网路里,网路卡怎样知道什麽时候它能传送数据?。In an Ethernet LAN, how does the NIC know when it can transmit data?

NIC相对肯定地认为,欧盟可能在2025年“丧失政治影响力”。The NIC appears relatively certain the EU will be "losing clout" by 2025.

不过,尼克在吃完一顿富含谷氨酸的饭菜之后,并感到哪里疼痛或有不良反应。But Nic feels no pain or adverse reaction after his glutamate-stuffed meal.

就像你家里的邮箱地址,你的计算机的网卡也有一个唯一的地址。Like your mailing address at home, your computer's NIC has a unique address.

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我想要看新的尼古拉斯凯奇的片子的欲望和我脸上的髭须一样的真实。My desire to see the new Nic Cage movie is as real as the mustache on my face.

美国国家情报委员会上次发表其4年一次的未来发展报告是在2004年12月。The last time the NIC published its quadrennial glimpse into the future was December 2004.

浦东新区有很多漂亮的小区,我们的小区——彩虹小区,是其中之一。Thr ar many nic housing stats in Pudong Nw Ara. Our housing stat Rainbow stat, is on of thm.

NIC相信,技术的革新很有可能落后于石油和天然气储备的消耗。The NIC believes it is most likely that technology will lag behind the depletion of oil and gas reserves.

美国国家情报委员会补充称,从这点来看,谈论“国际秩序”可能有些用词不当。In this respect, the NIC adds, speaking of the "the international order" may become something of a misnomer.

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网卡制造商确保他们生产的每一块网卡的MAC地址都以唯一的3字节数结尾。The NIC manufacturers ensure that the MAC address for each NIC they ship ends with a unique three-byte number.

在第9章,你可以看到详细的讨论,关于NIC驱动可以选择性的设计成很好的软件中断模式。In Chapter 9, you can find a detailed discussion of NIC driver design alternatives as well as software interrupts.

目前,该网络接口卡性能稳定,运行状况良好,能满足机群系统通信需要。Now, this high-speed Fibre Channel NIC performs well, and it can satisfy the communication requirements in cluster.

系统测试结果表明,网卡能处理高速的网络应用,在一些情况下甚至达到线速。Tests show that the NIC can process high-speed network application, and in some cases it can handle line-speed traffic.

NIC还报告,在高层结构里的“垂直式"农场经营可以帮助提高产量,降低水的消耗量。The NIC also reports that "vertical" farming in high-rise structures could help raise yields and reduce water consumption.

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但在DMA中,也就是用户使用异步传送模式,设备驱动须要等待NIC一个清楚的中断。But with DMA, which uses asynchronous transmissions, the device driver needs to wait for an explicit interrupt from the NIC.

利马前列素组在下肢麻木、神经性间歇性跛行距离、主观感受及满意度等方面也明显优于依托度酸组。Limaprost was also significantly better than etodolac for leg numbness, NIC distance, and subjective improvement and satisfaction.

例如,一个带有100兆网卡的工作站开始一次网络密集型操作,比如,从一个服务器上复制一个巨大的文件。For example suppose that a workstation with a100-mbps nic began a very network-intensive operation such as copying a huge file off a server.