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她穿粉色、蓝色和黄色都很漂亮。She is stunning in pinks, blues and yellows.

啊,那是菊花,巨白菊和黄菊。Oh, those are chrysanthemums, giant whites and yellows.

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要做到这一点,我们需要使用红军,黄,中立,和黑人。To do this we need to use Reds, Yellows , Neutrals, and Blacks.

让你的眼睛饱享淡篮、青绿、黄色和粉红色。Let your eyes drink in the light blues, gree , yellows and pinks.

让你的眼睛饱享淡篮、青绿、黄色和粉红色。Let your eyes drink in the light blues, greens, yellows and pinks.

温格认为他觉得要么是两红或者两黄而不应该是一红一黄I think I saw two yellows or two reds but not one yellow and one red.

如果您愿意,可以匹配的合奏与黄色,甚至红色。And if you like, you can match the ensemble with yellows or even reds.

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我喷了郡士4种不同的黄色,发现329是最相近的。I sprayed 4 different Mr. Color yellows and found 329 is most similar.

这一堆纸桦树的树干是由红色和黄色的火焰来作为它的背光。This clump of paper birch trunks was backlit by a blaze of reds and yellows.

交易会可展示不同的欧洲色彩,像黄色和紫色。The Lifestyle Fair showcased various European color trends like yellows and purples.

在国内首次报道了翠菊黄化组中的植原体侵染桃树。This is the first report on aster yellows phytoplasma affecting peach tree in China.

他的僧袍织进了七种黄色,卷曲的头发沾着锑粉。Seven yellows were woven into his robe, and his frizzed hair was stained with antimony.

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这座宝塔的屋顶是用浓淡不同的黄色和绿色的琉璃瓦盖成的。The roofs of this pagoda are constructed of colored glazed tiles of yellows and greens.

黄符文可以用闪避也可以用护甲,这个纯粹是个人喜好。Yellows are optional you can either use armor or dodge yellows, this is all preference.

橙色和黄色也是暖色的一种,并且比纯红色带来的紧张感低。Oranges and yellows are also considered warm colors, and are less intense than a pure red.

学会欣赏桔子,通过与你的孩子们一起制作叶子拼图来欣赏一年中的桔黄与金红。Enjoy the oranges, yellows and reds all year long by creating a leaf collage with your kids.

红色和黄色是引起注意的暖色,并能够在淡色的花朵前更显眼。Reds and yellows are warm colors that attract attention and stand forward from paler flowers.

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海绿、淡蓝和淡黄这些颜色也非常适合你营造浪漫的氛围。Watery colors, such as sea-greens, light blues and yellows create the perfect atmosphere for you.

症状主要表现为嫩梢黄化、整株黄化、梢头枯死和全株枯死。The symptom can be classified into the yellows of shoot and whole plant, died shoot and whole plant.

在一个这样的图画,峡谷被描绘成一个巨大的多种颜色深洞,红色,橙色和黄色。In one such painting, the canyon is shown as a huge deep hole of many colors -- reds, oranges and yellows.