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俄罗斯4-1印度。Russia 4-1

玛各就是俄国。Magog is Russia.

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这就是沙俄This was Russia.

俄罗斯现在还有足够的能源。Russia has energy now.

他们是俄罗斯人。They come from Russia.

俄罗斯5192枚核弹头。Russia has 5192 warheads.

俄罗斯并非铁板一块。Russia is not a monolith.

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俄国如此遥远Russia was that far away.

俄国并没有港口Russia doesn't have a port.

俄是个念旧的人。Russia is weakened, people.

你们觉得俄罗斯怎么样?How do you feel about Russia?

俄罗斯在讨好中国吗?Is Russia cozying up to China?

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来自古俄罗斯深沉男低。Basso Profondo From Old Russia.

古巴队发球,俄罗斯队准备。Cuba serves. Russia gets ready.

你们有关于俄国方面的书吗?Do you have any books on Russia?

这道歌最先来自俄罗斯。This song was first from Russia.

但是俄国不单只是石油。But Russia is not just about oil.

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他把俄国建成一个军事大国He makes Russia a military power.

日安!公司坐落在俄罗斯。Our company is located in Russia.

这座核设施也是在俄罗斯的帮助下才建成的。Russia helped build the facility.