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克斯到14岁时才开始学钢琴。Alex only took up the pianoforte when he was 14.

亚历克斯到14岁时才开始学钢琴。Alex only took up the pianoforte when he was 14.

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琴键是钢琴上用手指敲击的部件,它能使钢琴发出乐音。A key is the part of a pianoforte that you touch to make music.

于是,钢琴,或现在我们所谓的短期钢琴。Thus, the pianoforte , or what we call shortly now as the piano.

这时,他从钢琴旁的椅子上拿了一些乐谱,朝爱玛转过脸来说。He took some music from a chair near the pianoforte , and turning to emma, said.

他们的创新是为三角钢琴制造双重擒纵机构和重复机械装置。Their innovation was the double escapement and repetition action for the grand pianoforte.

主要的东西有家用亚麻台布、金银器皿、瓷器、书籍,以及玛丽安的漂亮钢琴。It chiefly consisted of household linen, plate, china, and books, with a handsome pianoforte of Marianne's.

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房间里的家具和装饰几乎都是原来的,其中包括安妮的私人浴缸和钢琴。These are filled with the originalfurnishings, including Madame de Stäel’s personal bathtub and pianoforte.

主要的东西有家用亚麻台布、金银器皿、瓷器、书籍,以及玛丽安的漂亮钢琴。It chiefly consisted of household linen, plate, china, and books, with a handsome pianoforte of Marianne's. Mrs.

他们经常到彼此的家中作客,弹奏钢琴,玩牌或跳舞以消遣。They routinely visit each other's houses where they amuse themselves playing the pianoforte playing cards or dancing.