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你是我身边一束束灿烂。A lifelong effulgence you are by my side.

未来,愿与您共享灿烂,共造辉煌。It is willing to share with you effulgence and resplendence.

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生命的回旋,总是在灿烂和悠远之间。那一抹流蓝就是你的语言。Return of life, is always between the effulgence and the leisureliness.

红色是灿烂和辉煌的象征,但这也需要您的鼎力相助。Red is te symbol of effulgence and brilliance, which also need your help.

相信我们!在未来携手合作的事业道路上,我们一定风光无限、灿烂辉煌!Trust us! Work together, We'll be effulgence in the future path of cooperation.

他们开始松散的精神光辉和优雅这是赋予他们。They began to loose the spiritual effulgence and grace that was bestowed on them.

红色是灿烂和辉煌的象征,但这也需要您的鼎力相助。红鼎艺术欢迎您的光临。Red is te symbol of effulgence and brilliance, which also need your help. Welcome to Top Red Art.

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他有四臂,穿着黄色的衣服,躯体的光璨照耀四周。He was four-armed, he was dressed in yellow cloth, and his bodily effulgence lit up all directions.

他灵性躯体的光璨好比许多太阳,而半神人和圣哲们则围着他唱颂他的荣耀。His spiritual body had the effulgence of many suns, and demigods and sages surrounded Him and sang His praises.

面对蒙古族灿烂悠久的传统民族文化,我们不乏传统文化符号的资源。To face on the effulgence traditional culture of Mongolian, designer is no lack of nature historical resources.

花鼓灯作为安徽省民间艺术之一,在江淮这片土地上散发着奇特的光辉。As one of the folk arts in Anhui Province, Flower Drum Lantern is giving off splendid effulgence across the whole province.

次日晚上,看见月亮还是好好地挂职在天上,她温柔的光辉依旧照耀着一切,我心中便暗暗得意,以为是我留下它来的。Morrow night, when the moon was as usual, her gentle effulgence and enlightening everything as well, i proudly considered this as my contribution.

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此十千宇宙在抖动、颤动、震动,一道大无量光出现在宇宙间,胜于天神的灿烂。And this ten-thousand fold cosmos shivered & quivered & quaked, while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the devas.

一万个世界系一再地摇动、震动、颤动,并且有广大无边、超越诸天威神的殊胜光明现起。And this ten-thousand fold cosmos shivered &quivered &quaked, while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the deities.

在最近的塔伦特全城花卉园艺展览会上,一株非比寻常的参赛花卉激起了观赏者众多评论。A remarkable specimen of floral effulgence entered into competition at the recent All-Tarant Flower Show & Garden Exposition has roused much comment among visitors.

我的主啊,众生的维系者!您身上发出的眩目光芒,遮盖了您的真脸孔。请您移开那遮蔽着您的光芒,好让您的纯粹奉献者能得见您。O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your dazzling effulgence. Kindly remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to Your pure devotee.

充斥于病疫的活力之中,大不净者关注着所有他手下的方方面面,从最小的疮疖中获得了欣喜,又陶醉于他们多种多样闪着光辉的脓包之中。Fuelled by morbid energy, a Great Unclean One pays careful attention to all of his followers, delighting in the smallest boil, reveling in the variety and effulgence of their poxes.