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但这是不公正的。But that was unfair.

未免也太不公平吧?Also too is rather unfair?

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不管有多么不公平或是颠倒是非。No matter how unfair or wrong.

这对王莽是极不公平的。It's absolutely unfair to Wang.

内沃说,退休金改革是不公平的。Neveu says the reforms are unfair.

他们的很多批评是不公正的。A lot of their criticism is unfair.

也许我对伊伯兰姆不公平。Perhaps I'm being unfair on Ibrahim.

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土鳖还实行不公平的贸易政策。It engages in unfair trade practices.

把女孩排除在外是不公平的。The omission of the girls was unfair.

Luke"我抽泣者,"为什么上帝对你这么不公平!"I sobbed."Why is God so unfair to you?"

他吵嚷着要求公平对待。He clamoured against the unfair treatment.

阿森纳教头说,“这是一个不公平的因素。It is a little bit of an unfair advantage.

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不公正地贬低任何人的工作都是不公平的。Its unfair to devalue anyones work unjustly.

滞留全班学生是不公平的。The detention of the whole class was unfair.

是的,那很困难,艰辛,不公平。Yes,it's difficult. It's tough. It's unfair.

政府可以取消任何不公平的条约。A government may abrogate any unfair treaties.

然而,对于国家的别的地区,这是不公平的。But that is unfair to the rest of the country.

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你如何应付同事给你的无端指责?。How do you deal with unfair criticism at work?

这就消除了不公平定价的可能性。This removes the potential for unfair pricing.

对于微不足道的细胞来说,那将是极其不公平的。That would be terribly unfair to the poor cell.