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城堡遗迹以及远处的亚的里亚海,希玛拉。Castle ruins with Adriatic Sea beyond, Himara.

布林迪西意大利南部一城市,位于巴里东南的亚得里亚海岸。A city of southern Italy Adriatic Sea southeast of Bari.

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古代沿巴尔干半岛亚德里亚海岸一地区。An ancient region of the Balkan Peninsula on the Adriatic coast.

我们要收回科西嘉岛和整个亚得里亚海海岸线,雷那蒂说。We will get Corsica and all the Adriatic coast-line, Rinaldi said.

意大利中北部一城市,位于亚得里亚沿岸、佛罗伦萨以西。A city of north-central Italy on the Adriatic Sea west of Florence.

意大利威尼斯与亚得里亚海仅有一道沙堤相隔。There is only a sand dike between Venice of Italy and Adriatic Sea.

在这次会见的鼓舞下,我们出发前往克罗地亚和亚得里亚海。Fired up by this encounter, we set off for Croatia and the Adriatic.

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意大利东北部邻亚德里亚海的一城市,位于佛罗伦萨市东北。A city of northeast Italy near the Adriatic Sea northeast of Florence.

南斯拉夫西部城市,位于爱琴海的德莫森海岸。A city of western Yugoslavia on the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic Sea.

阿托那是意大利的中部靠近亚得里亚海的一个很小的城市。Atto That is the central part of Italy near the Adriatic Sea, a small city.

据称eWaterways是第一家在亚得里亚海开辟天体游轮的公司。eWaterways claims to be the first company to offer nudist cruising in the Adriatic.

这片美丽的亚得里亚海区域从亚平宁山脉朝下一直伸展到海岸边上。This beautiful Adriatic region stretches from the Apennines right down to the coast.

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北江缩进亚得里亚海海岸已经被宣布为在世界上最清洁的海洋。Richly indented Adriatic Coast has been declared among the cleanest seas in the world.

阿尔巴尼亚是一个地中海国家,坐在海岸的亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海。Albania is a Mediterranean country sitting on the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian seas.

这件名为“获胜青年”的雕像于公元前1世纪在亚得里亚海的一艘沉船中被发现。The "Victorious Youth" was recovered from a first-century BC shipwreck in the Adriatic Sea.

黑色的油污带在波河不断扩散,预计周末就会抵达亚得里亚海。The black tide continues down the Po River and is expected to reach the Adriatic by the weekend.

波河是义大利最长的河,从阿尔卑斯山向西流经杜林流入亚德里亚海。The Po is Italy's longest river, flowing westward from the Alps to the Adriatic Sea through Turin.

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从波罗的海的什切青到亚得里亚海边的的里雅斯特,一幅横贯欧洲大陆的铁幕已经降落下来。From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.

总有一天,整个威尼斯会沉到亚德里亚海的海底里去,这是它最美的结局。One day, the entire Adriatic Sea Venice will sink into the seabed go, that is its most beautiful outcome.

东北部延伸到帕尼尔盆地,而南面它几乎和亚得里亚海接壤。The northeastern parts reach into the Pannonian basin, while in the south it almost borders the Adriatic.