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和尼采这样的哲学家们是警句之王。and Nietzsche were kings of the aphorism.

这句古老的格言背后有什么样的科学依据呢?What’s the science behind this old aphorism?

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对于传染疾病而言,这句格言可就不仅仅是一句民间习语了。That's more than a folksy aphorism when it comes to infectious diseases.

这是进化心理学所推翻的第一个刻板印象或者谚语。This is the first stereotype or aphorism that evolutionary psychology has overturned.

从表面上看,“美在观者眼中”这句谚语似乎很有道理。On the surface, the aphorism “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” appears quite reasonable.

他的这句名言是传统女权主义的绝佳总结。But his aphorism is about as good a one-sentence summary of classical feminism as you can get.

“女子上阵多邪术暗器”是常见警句。女将往往暗藏着神奇的宝贝兵器,以弥补性别劣势。It is a common aphorism that a woman usually has black magic or hidden weapon when she goes into battle.

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这本书是“忘记历史的人注定将重蹈覆辙”这句格言的推论。It provides a corollary to the aphorism that those who cannot remember history are condemned to repeat it.

尼采将这一段命名为“最重的分量”,每当提及这一理念时他都会战栗。Nietzsche entitled this aphorism ‘The Greatest Weight’, and he shuddered whenever he spoke about the idea.

极不同部分,一个作为遗后,部分,另一个在解释文本中,作为格言的准备阶段。one,the text part as a posthumous fragment and the other in the commentary part as a preparatory stage of an aphorism.

苏格拉底的名言“未经审视的生活是豪无价值的”,从他被审判时开始,明显开始动摇了。Socrates's famous aphorism "the unexamined life is not worth living" was, by the time of his trial, clearly beginning to jar.

人生并非格言组成,岂能靠美丽旳辞章来妆点,默默中,有我对你最诚挚旳祝福。Life is not composed by aphorism , how can we decorate it with pompous cliches?I send you my most sincere greeting in silence.

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被认为最会做生意的犹太人甚至把“年轻时尚人士的钱最好赚”奉为至理格言。Be thought that "best profit of the personage money meet Jew who does business most even looks upon young fad" as famous dictum aphorism.

联想是一些文艺作品的线索链和结构方式,格言跟联想有密切关系,联想还是新词语预测的重要途径。Aphorism is closely related with mental association, which is also an important means for the prognostication of new words and expressions.

当我坐在宝座上,用我肆虐的爱来统治你的时候,当我像女神一样向你施恩的时候,饶恕我的自豪吧,爱人,也饶恕我的欢快。When I sit on my head and aphorism you with my absolutism of love, when like a goddess I admission you my favor, buck with my pride, beloved, and forgive me my joy.

然而,任何理性的思考都会深明“最危险的‘真理’即是那被稍加歪曲的真理”这经世格言的真谛。However, all rational thoughts would deeply comprehend the truth of an aphorism for generations, which is none other than "the most dangerous truth is the truth slightly distorted".

90年代中期,她向政党高层职位发起冲击,虽然失败,但她预言“属于我的日子终会到来”,这个短语也成为冰岛语的警句。By the mid 1990s, she was challenging for the top party job. On being defeated she predicted "my time will come", a phrase that has since become a standard aphorism in the Icelandic language.