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交响乐以弱音结束。The symphony ends in a pianissimo.

这部交响乐以弱音乐章结束。The symphony ends in a pianissimo.

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极柔和音带,来完成钢琴气氛!Pianissimo traxpack, to complete the Piano vibe!

音量从极弱到最强的分级。Graduate the volume from pianissimo to fortissimo.

怎样让一个中提琴手演奏极弱震音呢?How do you get a violist to play a passage pianissimo tremolando?

一段突然的渐强音使音乐在半个小节内从最弱音增强到强音。A sudden crescendo forces the music from pianissimo back to forte in only half a bar.

在听众不知不觉之间,紧张气氛在最弱音的突减中被提升了。Before the listener knows where he is, the mounting tension is lifted in a pianissimo anticlimax.

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钢琴弹奏中,就是最低的音量,极弱,也必须是要在完全轻松的情况下弹奏出来的。The lowest level of sonority, the pianissimo , must also be totally effortless in its production.

这微观的重要变动的结果是,在力量极弱地触键中其控制效果得到明显的加强。The result of this subtle but important change is a dramatic increase in control during pianissimo playing.

一只够分量的喇叭足以呈现出强劲的合奏曲以及极为细微的柔美的音色。A speaker that had enough power reserves to faithfully repro duce powerful tutti passages as well as the subtlest pianissimo.

他们称这样能改善操控,尤其轻音及速度,但没有一位说明了原因。They claim to get better control, especially for pianissimo and speed, but no one has provided an explanation for why this is so.

黄铜管体,声音集中明亮,反应快。能清晰平稳吹奏极弱吐音。Yellow brass produces a higher tone color with more overtones for cleaner projection. Capable of playing pianissimo staccato notes clearly and evenly.

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当前轻声唱法的研究一直处于相对薄弱的领域,因此轻声唱法作为科学发声体系下的训练和技术手段是值得关注和和探讨的。In the present vocality teaching and research, due attention has not been paid to Pianissimo singing, as a result, it is of great value to study and discuss it.

自碧丝梦1毫克在1995年上市以来,碧丝梦已经成长为日本烟草公司最畅销的品牌之一,也是市场上最畅销的100毫米薄荷品牌。Since the launch of Pianissimo One in 1995, Pianissimo has grown to become one of JT's best-selling brands and the top-selling 100 mm menthol brand on the market.

从渐强音到最弱音,机械装置部件必须能够连贯地、有力地传递艺术家的情感和所要表达的意思。From crescendo to pianissimo and player to player the action assembly must be able to translate the emotional and expressive intent of the artist with consistency and power.

轻声唱法既是歌唱者必备的基础能力之一,也是表现演绎作品所必须的高级能力之一。Pianissimo singing is one of the basic qualities that is indispensable to singers, and one of the advanced qualities that is indispensable to performing masterpieces, as well.