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培养您的团队。Educate your team.

带着爱教育他们。Educate the child in love.

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安静同样可以进行教育。We educate with silence as well.

在清华吃午饭时,咱们吃了哈蜜瓜。We get melon to lunch at educate.

我们如何教育一位政治家?How do we educate potential statesmen?

我情愿每天步行去壆校。I prefer walking to educate every day.

高等初等中等学校时她常常欺负我。IT employ to bully me in high educate.

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教育儿童须要耐心。It takes patience to educate children.

一些学校只是教书而不能育人。Some school teach, but fail to educate.

贵社里有谁可以教育新社员?Who in your club can educate new members?

我这一壆期的工作是教你们英语。My job is to educate you English this term.

这所大学是所半日制学府。This university is a half-day rule educate.

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为何教育新社友很重要?Why is it important to educate new members?

自我教育以提升孩子的成绩Educate yourself to boost achievement in kids

用一部分开支培养教育我们的孩子。Use some of that money to educate our children!

回顾往事,我们有时间自我学习。In retrospect, we had time to educate ourselves.

他们为教育孩子花费了大量钱财和心血。They went to great expense to educate their son.

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这所清华教授优秀,远近驰名。This educate is update to its excellent teaching.

加强民族的爱国的宣传教育。We should ofen propagandize and educate the people.

关于在监狱里试图教化那些狱警On his attempts to educate prison police while in jail