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这是意料中事。No surprise.

大跌眼镜。Big surprise there.

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能让我意外的东西。Come on, surprise me.

就是想给你个惊喜。Just to surprise you.

它会使您感到惊奇。It might surprise you.

资讯科技会是惊奇.It would be a surprise.

所以没什么大不了的"It's not a big surprise."

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惊异和喜悦交织在一起。Joy mingled with surprise.

诺贝尔奖冇嚸诎亽噫外。And a surprise Nobel award.

不,那并没让我感到意外。No they didn't surprise me.

这是个令人惊喜的周未。This is a surprise weekend.

华勃吃惊地跳了起来。Whopper jumped in surprise.

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拉蒙!多好的惊喜。Ramón! What a nice surprise.

惊奇也与此相关Surprise is related to this.

他惊讶地睁视著我。He goggled at me in surprise.

他转过身,装着很惊讶的样子。He turns and feigns surprise.

那将会是个奇袭。It is going to be a surprise.

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相信我,那绝对会是一个惊喜。That was a pleasant surprise.

他惊奇地睁大眼睛看着她。He goggled at her in surprise.

他惊奇地睁大了眼睛。He was pop-eyed with surprise.