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他拉肚子。He has trouble with diarrhea.

我想要呕吐又想拉肚子。I feel like vomiting and have diarrhea.

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大剤量可能引起腹泻。Taking large amount may cause diarrhea.

我吐个不停,还腹泻。I've been vomitting and I have diarrhea.

他们可能会主诉腹泻或腹痛。They may complain of diarrhea or bellyache.

成年流感患者通常不会伴有腹泻。Adults usually don’t have diarrhea with flu.

你拉肚子的时候痛吗?。D0 you have any pain when you hawj diarrhea?

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我拉肚子,有什么药可以吃吗?。I have diarrhea. Do you have medicine for it?

不可与茶同服,若同服亦能引起呃逆。Taking with tea may induce hiccups or diarrhea.

微风吹来,流烟泻谷。Breeze blowing, streaming smoke diarrhea Valley.

我吃坏了肚子,拉肚子拉肚子粒了两天。I ate something bad, I had diarrhea for two days.

痢疾需要避免,痛苦需要避免。Diarrhea is worth avoiding. Pain's worth avoiding.

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隐孢子虫病会引起大量的水样便。Cryptosporidiosis produces a copious watery diarrhea.

某些血清型大肠杆菌能引起人类腹泻。Certain serotypes of human E. coli can cause diarrhea.

他们相信这药剂能够止泻。They believed that the physic could stop your diarrhea.

我对你的爱就像泻肚子一样,让我无法控制。My love for you is like diarrhea , i just can't hold it.

婴儿的一般症状是腹泻和发热。The babies' most common symptoms were diarrhea and feer.

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上吐下泻使我在厕所内待了一整夜。Diarrhea and vomiting made me stay in restroom all night.

他说,反胃、呕吐和腹泻通常都有时间限制。Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are typically time-limited.

也可能患上腹泻或者慢性便秘。You might have diarrhea or become chronically constipated.