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倒进锅里。Pour into pan.

弗成能的嘛!Eph into energy!

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不爱吃谷类吗?Not into cereal?

不喜欢柑橘?Not into citrus?

飞到我的网里来。Come into my net.

他撞在我身上。He bumped into me.

他一头撞到我怀里。He butted into me.

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啃书本。Delving into books.

飞到树上去。Flying into a tree.

送她去戒毒所。Get her into rehab.

他经常打架He got into fights.

不吃荞麦面怎么办?Not into buckwheat?

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走到亮一些的地方来。Come into the light.

浸到糊状物里。Dip into the batter.

进入房地产吧。Go into real estate.

他急忙地上骀了床。He tumbled into bed.

我能很快被卫斯理教派大学录取。I got into Wesleyan.

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来到我的花园中!Into my garden come!

酸腐蚀金属。Acid eats into metal.

回到你们的部落去。Get into your tribes.