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营养不良或说饥饿是一个世界性的大问题Undernutrition or hunger is a major world problem.

两岁以后,营养不良造成的副作用将是不可逆转的了。After age two, the negative effects of undernutrition are largely irreversible.

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青少年时期的营养不良是很严重的应该引起我们关注的问题。Undernutrition in early life is the most profound issue that should concern us.

这是否意味着所有的转基因食品注定永远不会解决穷人的营养不足?Does this mean that all GM foods are fated never to solve the undernutrition of the poor?

据估计食物不足是造成五岁以下儿童死亡人数中三分之一以上死亡的主要原因。Undernutrition is estimated to be an underlying cause in more than one-third of all deaths in children under five.

生命早期的营养不足还能削弱长期认知发育和工作时的生产力。Undernutrition in the early years of life can also impair long-term cognitive development and productivity at work.

消瘦并非病理病因学或因营养不足而不同,但习惯上被用来在某些情况下。Wasting is not etiologically or pathologically different from undernutrition but has been used customarily in certain contexts.

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早期发现的关键是要认识到,有些人是营养低下或营养过剩的高危人群。The key to early detection is awareness that persons in certain circumstances have a high risk of undernutrition or over nutrition.

粮农组织的计划帮助贫穷家庭和社区获得营养充足的膳食,减轻儿童的食物不足问题。FAO programmes assist poor households and communities to secure access to nutritionally adequate diets and reduce child undernutrition.

而超过10亿人面临饥饿和营养不足这件事被广泛认为是分配不适当造成的。The fact that more than one billion people suffer from hunger and undernutrition is widely thought to be a result of inadequate distribution.

再说一次,我们会在讲饥饿问题的时候,讨论这个话题,营养不良对健康的负面影响不容置疑But again, we'll come and talk about this more when we discuss hunger, but there certainly are negative health consequences of undernutrition.

包括心血管疾病在内的慢性疾病通过营养不良和营养过剩迅速转变而成为一个世界问题。Chronic diseases including cardiovascular diseases have become a worldwide problem due to rapid transition from undernutrition to overnutrition.

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营养不良增加上呼吸道感染的风险从而发生急性支气管炎,特别是儿童和老人。Undernutrition increases the risk of upper respiratory tract infections and subsequent acute bronchitis, especially in children and older people.

为对优先行动提供指导,世卫组织确认了全球21个“热点”,这些地区已经历着严重的紧急和长期营养不足。To guide priority action, WHO has identified 21 “hot spots” around the world which are already experiencing high levels of acute and chronic undernutrition.

在营养不良的问题尚未解决的情况下,如此饮食模式加之低水平的身体活动导致了儿童期肥胖的数量激增。These dietary patterns in conjunction with low levels of physical activity, result in sharp increases in childhood obesity while undernutrition issues remain unsolved.

这种因果链再乘以10亿长期遭受饥饿的人口,你们就会看到营养不足将如何阻碍全球经济发展。When you multiply this chain of cause and effect by a billion people suffering from chronic hunger, you can see how undernutrition hobbles global economic advancement.

改善幼儿的补充喂养即除母乳外还喂其它食物,是预防食物不足和降低儿童死亡率的一个重要办法。Improved complementary feeding for young children, i.e. giving foods in addition to breastmilk, is an important way to prevent undernutrition and reduce child mortality.

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营养不足和营养过剩——特别是在胎儿时期——可能导致这种表观遗传程序在“预期”的食品环境与现实环境之间产生一种配合不当。Both undernutrition and overnutrition, particularly in the womb, can cause these epigenetic programs to create a mismatch between the 'expected' food environment and the actual one.

该计划目前尚在制定当中,主要处理营养不足和体重超重造成的双重负担,并注重妊娠到生命第二年之间的机会。The plan, currently under development, tackles the double burden of undernutrition and overweight and focuses on the window of opportunity between conception and the second year of life.

儿童因蛋白质、热量和其他营养素摄入量不足造成的蛋白质-能量型营养不良是一种尤为严重的营养不良,它会延缓儿童的生长和发育。Protein-energy malnutrition in children consuming inadequate amounts of protein, calories, and other nutrients is a particularly severe form of undernutrition that retards growth and development.