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空间的奥秘。The Arcanum of Space.

目前我正在研究奥秘中古老的异教信仰。Currently I am studying the older, pagan religions of Arcanum.

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日前,一组科学研究人员探究了接吻的奥秘。Currently, the science searchers have delved arcanum about kiss.

专家很快吸收了这项产品中的奥秘,并加以改进。The expert soon absorbed the arcanum of the product and then improved.

法师每具有一点时间奥秘,就获得一点护甲。The mage gains one point of armor per dot she possesses in the Time Arcanum.

认识论部分是整个王阳明哲学的基础和奥秘所在。Epistemology is also the foundation and the arcanum of Wang's theory as a whole.

我们常常相信别人的成功是由于某种特殊的奥秘或是由于某种机遇。We always believe that others's success is due to some special arcanum or opportunity.

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鬼魂以及死者属于此奥秘范围内,以及灵魂的健康。Ghosts and the dead fall under the purview of this Arcanum , as does the health of the soul.

不只是书本知识或是自然奥秘,而是如何走好人生之旅。Not only the knowledge of book or the nature arcanum , but also how to thorough the life tour.

卡拉卡-图是个可怕的生物,半人半龙,以恐怖威慑着奥秘大陆的人民。Kraka-tur was a fearsome creature, half-man and half-dragon, who terrorized the people of Arcanum.

从那以后玛里苟斯被叫做魔法缔造者,主宰魔法和神秘自然的守护。From then on, Malygos would be known as the Spell-Weaver, the guardian of magic and hidden arcanum.

从18、19世纪开始,就陆续有一些国际探险家、登山队员前往珠峰探索奥秘。Since 18th and 19th centuries some international explorers mountaineers have been gone to the Everest to search arcanum.

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虽然力量奥秘教导法师如何点火或扼杀光源,它不能结束黑暗的质量。While the Forces Arcanum teaches a mage how to ignite or snuff out a light, it gives no power over the quality of darkness.

从生命体验的视角对果戈理和鲁迅进行比较研究,更能说明二者之间神秘的共鸣,更能深入地揭示艺术的奥秘。Then, a comparative study in point of life experience may show the mysterious sympathies between them and dispose the arcanum of arts better.

人们用科学的眼光、科学的方法探索梦的奥秘,其中最有影响力的是精神分析学派的弗洛伊德和荣格。People explore the Arcanum of dreams with scientific eyesight and methods, of which the most influential belongs to depth psychologist Freud and Jung.

我相信你已经知道了帕纳利做为奥秘中广泛信仰的宗教已经有至少1500年,但在传奇纪年前的很长一段时期,存在着很多的信仰以及很多的神。As I'm sure you're aware, the Panarii have been the favored religion in Arcanum for the last 1500 years, but in the years before the Age of Legends, there were many religions and many gods.