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血管球瘤肩胛区。Glomus tumor of the scapular region.

神经支配主要是肩胛背神经。Nevers of the muscles were dominated by the dorsal scapular nerve.

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皮瓣成活的机理可能与两侧肩胛区水平支间的吻合支有关。The flap axis is the horizontal branch of the circumflex scapular vessel.

目的探讨肩胛骨不稳定骨折的手术治疗。Objective To discuss the surgical treatment of unstable scapular fracture.

目的探讨肩胛骨骨折的治疗方法及疗效。Objective To investigate the treatment method and effect of scapular fracture.

肩羽红褐色,翼羽黑色有淡色羽缘。Its scapular is reddish brown, and its black flight feathers have a lighter edge.

方法回顾肩胛骨骨折患者32例,其中涉及肩胛盂骨折19例。Methods 32 cases of scapular fractures were reviewed, including 19 cases of glenoid ones.

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内旋转会伴有肩胛骨回缩及相关的锁骨运动。Internal rotation is accompanied by scapular retraction and associated clavicular movements.

当乘客和司机的肩胛骨损伤时候,头部损伤的可能性比较大。When a scapular fracture was present both drivers and passengers had a greater incidence of head injuries.

至于三部位之肉经红烧处理后,重量和穿透力最高的是肩胛肉,但其保水性则最差。After stew, weight and penetration force in scapular muscle had higher scores, but poor water holding capacity.

“因为他们的习惯,是一个棕色中山装和肩胛骨与充足的白角和引擎盖,他们后来被称为”白方济各会士。Because their habit was a brown tunic and scapular with an ample white cape and hood , they became known as white friars.

这是红颈滨鹬的亚成体,肩部的羽毛有些红褐色的缘饰,不可能是青脚滨鹬。It should be a juvenile Red-necked Stint. Some scapular feathers show rufous fringe that could not fit to Temminck's Stint.

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目的探讨肩胛盂移位及成角在肩胛颈骨折治疗中的意义。Objective To explore significances of displacement and angulation of the glenoid in treatment of the scapular neck fracture.

目的探讨三维CT重建在肩胛骨骨折治疗中的指导意义。Objective To study clinical significance of three dimensional CT image reconstruction in the management of scapular fracture.

旋肩胛动、静脉在入三边孔前与肩胛下神经伴行。The circumflex scapular artery and vein were complicated by the subscapular nerve at the front meatus of the trilateral foramen.

目的探讨肩胛骨骨折的手术适应证与手术复位内固定的临床效果。Objective To discuss the indication and effect of surgical treatment of open reduction and internal fixation for scapular fractures.

在所有的227例肩胛体或肩胛盂骨折中,37例行切开复位内固定,此为本研究的基础。Of a total of 227 scapular or glenoid fractures, 37 were treated with open reduction internal fixation and formed the basis of study.

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肩胛骨骨折相对少见,多因高能量创伤致肩背部遭受直接暴力所致。Scapular fracture is not very common, which typically occur in patients who have sustained high-energy direct injury to the shoulder.

拉扯肩胛骨能够帮着你打开胸腔,从而促进了肩膀和上背部肌肉的血液流动。As the name sounds, scapular retraction will help you open your chest and get the blood flowing to your shoulder and upper back muscles.

异体嵌合皮瓣的不同生物行为由胸背部血管联合肩胛骨和背阔肌肌皮瓣的血管化共同决定。Versatility of chimeric flap based on thoracodorsal vessels incorprating vascularized scapular bone and latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap.