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你熟悉推销工作吗?Are you familiar with salesmanship?

我发现我我搞不了推销。I find salesmanship beyond my reach.

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我发现推销是我不能做到的。I find salesmanship is beyond my reach.

这学校开设推销技术课程。The school offers a course on salesmanship.

我发现我做不了推销工作。I find salesmanship is beyond the reach of you.

这是一个具有推销术的很好的信例。This letter is an example of good salesmanship.

你可能会想,卖这些应该不需要精巧的推销之术了吧?No need for fancy salesmanship here, you might think.

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学习推销技术要花时间,花力气。Learning the skills of salesmanship takes time and effort.

推销术和广告术是美国人的拿手好戏。Salesmanship and advertising are activities in which Americans excel.

这时有人告诉他说他的推销术有点缺乏激情。Then he was told he wasn't being effusive enough in his salesmanship.

然仍,知道目前,奥巴马令人惋惜的推销术适得其反。So far, though, Mr Obama's lamentable salesmanship has pushed harder the other way.

恰当的广告语修辞幻象能够巧妙地增强广告的推销力。A felicitous rhetoric mirage of advertisement language can enhance the salesmanship effect.

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这些教育台的节目从写作到推销都有。The topics covered by these educational stations range from creative writing to salesmanship.

广告是大众推销术,它可以一次向上千人推销,但销售员只能一对一推销。Advertising is multiplied salesmanship. It may appeal to thousands while the salesman talks to one.

所有读过这篇文章的人都能理解我对他在推销时的自豪快乐感到惊奇。My amazement at his pride and joy in salesmanship will be easily understood by all who read this article.

但是落实到具体工作上的时候,圣皮埃尔要想成为名流,就得把自己锻造成一个不知疲倦的人以适应没完没了的自我推销。But for that to work, Mr. St-Pierre will have to steel himself for the tireless salesmanship it takes to become a celebrity.

但很多自营业主,忙于每天日常销售的琐碎事务之中,很难更新他们的营销理念。But many owner-managers, struggling with the day-to-day running of their business, find it hard to brush up on their salesmanship.

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如果把“印在纸上的销售艺术”这一广告定义涵盖到广播和电视,那么这个定义至今仍然成立。If the definition of advertising as "salesmanship in print" were expanded to include radio and television, it would still stand today.

尽管整个过程中他都显得很有活力,并展现了他独特的推销能力,但是他仍然看起来很憔悴。While he was energetic and exhibited his unique brand of salesmanship as he unveiled new products during 90-minute event, he continued to look gaunt.

我不喜欢大型制药公司和生物技术公司的天花乱坠的广告以及其它五花八门的推销术,但是制药产业已经为提高世界健康水平作出了巨大的贡献。I do not like the hype and some other salesmanship of big pharma and bio-tech companies, but this industry has made enormous contributions to raising world health.