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水推动着水车来回转。Water moves the waterwheel.

落水的冲力使水轮转动。The impulse of falling water turns the waterwheel.

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“再见了,水轮,”它们消失在视线中,但存在于我永恒的回忆之中。Bye, waterwheel. " They lost in sight, but would be in my mind forever."

水车是利用能源而非动物的机械装置。The waterwheel is a mechanism designed to harness energy from a source instead of animals.

永不歇止的水车打出了财富,也带来「地层下陷」。Pumping day and night, the waterwheel has brought riches but also the problem of subsidence.

古中国擒纵调速器的基本型式是「水轮秤漏装置」。Basically, the ancient Chinese escapement regulator was a waterwheel steelyard-clepsydra device.

1992年,东京板桥区水车公园项目获得日本公园绿化协会长奖。In 1992, won the Japanese Park Greening President Award with the project of "Tokyo Itabashi Waterwheel Park".

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也就从那时起,水车既担纲先进生产工具的任务,亦是兰州的第二风景。It has since waterwheel both take the task of advanced production tools, Lanzhou is also the second landscape.

混沌水轮的设计是受罗仑兹水车的启发,能近似地演示一种混沌,比较直观。Inspired by Lorenz waterwheel in its designing, the chaotic waterwheel demonstrates a type of chaotic in a approximate and straightforward manner.

结合兰州水车大观园的实践,提出景观设计应传递城市本土的地域信息以求达到提高城市文化品位的目的。The author concludes the landscape design with the regional information is the way to improve the culture of the city based on the case study of the Waterwheel Park in Lanzhou.

新西兰国会大厦行政楼称之为“蜂巢”,被描述为一个滑动的投影仪滑落到一个婚礼蛋糕上,婚礼蛋糕又滑落到水车上。A slide projector that fell on a wedding cake that fell on a waterwheel is one description of the Executive Wing of the New Zealand Parliament Buildings, also known as "The Beehive."

三芝前临东海、背倚大屯山,起伏的山坡上梯田错落有致、八连溪畔流转著水车风情。Sanjhih's coastline faces the East Sea, with Datunshan in the background. Terraced fields are scattered all over the rolling mountains, while a romantic waterwheel turns in Balien creek.

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用手动或脚踏风箱供给强制气流,以提高火焰温度,后来用水轮机或兽力带动风箱。A Bellows operated by an assistant or by a foot treadle provided the forced draft for raising the temperature of the fire. Later, a waterwheel or animal power was often used to operate the Bellows.