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这位来客是凡。The caller was Mr.

我想办理来电显示。I want to install caller id.

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主叫电话线进入聊天。Caller calls into the chat line.

忘了查来电者的身份。Forgot to check their caller I.D.

壷“手掌”平静地回忆了那个所谓的拜访者。Palm calmly recalled the so-called caller.

这将使您返回到程序的调用方。This returns you to the caller of the program.

来访者控诉道,“终其一生,我都悲伤难抑。The caller complained, “I’ve been sad all my life.

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最后,它向调用者返回这个结果数组。Finally, it returns this result array to the caller.

最后,全部内容被发送回调用方。Finally, the whole thing is sent back to the caller.

无绳来电显示电话使用很方便哟。The cordless telephone with caller ID is user-friendly.

为了筛选电话面试者,为每个面试者草拟一份表格。To screen callers, draw up one-page form for each caller.

之后,控制权交给子函数和调用者。Control then passes both to the subroutine and the caller.

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调用者负责界定事务。The caller is responsible for demarcating the transaction.

调用方和被调用方必须就缓冲区的大小达成一致。The caller and callee must agree on the size of the buffer.

“没有,”打电话的人答道,“现在那儿有两只臭鼬了."No," replied the caller. "Now I have two skunks in there!"

首先,我揿下红钮让来电话的人不挂电话。First, I press the red button to put the caller on "hold. ""

它可以实时显示来电者身份。It works in real time and it’s a mobile caller ID displayer.

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这位打电话的人现在正苦于让收支相抵。The caller is having a tough time right now making ends meet.

不能置铃声不顾,来电者可能在公用电话亭。Don't Ignore a ringing telephone. Caller may be in a call-box.

我还参与过打电话中大奖的游戏,赢得了周末入场券。I have been caller number nine and have won the weekend passes.