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现代化教室,实验室和图书馆and modernize classrooms, labs and libraries.

中国军事现代化已进入收获期China’s Push to Modernize Military Is Bearing Fruit

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我们需要更多的资金来使教学设施现代化。We need more funds to modernize our teaching facilities.

又少了一架可以用以现代化的熊,而且机组人员安全。双赢。One less bear to modernize. And the crew is safe. Win-win.

另外,我们必须留一些钱来使白宫现代化。Besides, we had to have some money to modernize the White House.

全面提高武器装备和后勤保障的现代化水平。We will modernize weapons, equipment and logistics support across the board.

让我们把这个程序现代化,小子们,结果这个容易很多。Let's modernize this program in main, boy, this is a lot easier it turns out.

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这次亚运会的投资将促进这座城市的国际化和现代化进程。The investment for the games helped internationalize and modernize this city.

全世界的商人住满了使这个殖民都城现代化而霓虹灯闪烁的新酒店。World traders occupy gleaming new hotels that modernize the colonial capital.

首先我们如果要保持竞争力的话,就需要使我们的工厂现代化。First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory.

为了使经济现代化,中国必须扩大工业化和城市化。For China to modernize its economy, it must further industrialize , and urbanize.

商务部正致力于实现农业部门的现代化,以避免该事件的重演。The Ministry is working to modernize the agricultural sector to prevent a repeat.

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采用先进技术,实现档案管理的现代化。They shall adopt advanced technology to modernize the administration of archives.

目前,Diageo正努力使该品牌走向现代化,希望能超越中国大陆和香港。Now Diageo is seeking to modernize the brand and take it beyond China and Hong Kong.

我的各位前任制定了管理和行政程序现代化的方向。My predecessors set the course to modernize managerial and administrative procedures.

戈尔巴乔夫没能实现体系的现代化,如果担心瓦解,是不能碰体系的。Gorbachev failed to modernize a system that could not be touched for fear of collapse.

克雷门约克同意,俄罗斯如果要将经济现代化,必须民主化。Viktor Kremenyuk agrees his country must democratize, if it is to modernize its economy.

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但他推动了经济现代化,他并未让教会重新得势But,he'd helped modernize the economy, and he did not restore the church to its old power.

在去往现代经济的争先恐后中,我们发展科技,修厂建房。Racing in the process for economic development, we built for factories, modernize technology.

当时辛格表示,“尽管资源有限”,但印度正在向海陆空三军现代化迈进。Singh then said, "Despite limited resources, " but India is moving to modernize armed forces.