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约翰不可以没有得到许可借用剪草机。John may not use the lawnmower without permission.

约翰到邻居家借剪草机。John went to his neighbor's home to borrow his lawnmower.

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而且它拥有一辆马力增强版割草机的所有魅力。And it possessed all the glamour of a souped-up lawnmower.

孩子们回忆道,在家的时候,他挺羡慕剪草工的清静。At home, his children recall, he prized the solitude of his lawnmower.

简金斯发现,锄草机正前方捆绑著一箩筐的啤酒。Jenkins then found a case of beer strapped to the lawnmower 's front, court records show.

一位男子因为在醉酒时驾驶剪草机,被投入监狱,出来后,有因为没有给自家草坪煎草而被罚。A man was put in jail for riding his lawnmower while drunk then fined for not mowing his lawn.

了解如何添加新油到你的割草机草坪割草机保养在这个自由DIY的视频…Learn how to add fresh oil into your lawnmower in this free DIY video on lawn mower maintenance.

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如果您仍然有割草机手册和触角衡量您可以随时调整的差距,以规格。If you still have the lawnmower manual and a feeler gauge you can adjust the gap to the specifications.

当他只有四岁时,别人送他一台玩具赛车,之后就在这台玩具赛车上安装了剪草机的引擎。When he was only four years old, he was given a toy kart and later a lawnmower engine was fitted to it.

里面的新西兰人把割草机整到自己胸上,然后弄成个半僵尸。New Zealander Lionel Cosgrove ropes a lawnmower onto his chest and charges into a zombie-packed hallway.

他让FBI特工每天24小时待命,围绕着自己的办公室去执行一些随机的任务—比如说修理他的剪草机。He kept FBI agents on call 24 hours a day to do random tasks around his house -- like repairing his lawnmower.

了解如何防寒和存储你的割草机草坪割草机保养的正确方法在这个自由DIY的视频…Learn how to winterize and store your lawnmower the proper way in this free DIY video on lawn mower maintenance.

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我们并不了解2000瓦是什么概念,但是我们知道这个取代机器所能产生的能量有多大。We may not be familiar with 2000W, but we are familiar with a lawnmower engine and the amount of power it produces.

了解如何在这个自由搭配自己动手做视频剪辑二冲程燃油割草机修理和维护你的割草机。Learn how to mix two stroke fuel for your lawnmower in this free DIY video clip on lawn mower repair and maintenance.

了解如何删除和更换脏火花草坪剪草机插头从你在这个自由DIY的视频剪辑修理割草机。Learn how to remove and change dirty spark plugs from your lawnmower in this free DIY video clip on lawn mower repair.

学习如何正确清洁你的割草机甲板在这个自由DIY的视频剪辑底面如何清洁割草机。Learn how to properly clean the underside of your lawnmower deck in this free DIY video clip on how to clean lawnmowers.

了解如何使用在这个自由DIY的视频剪辑虹吸管删除陈旧的气体对你的割草机割草机维修和保养。Learn how to use a siphon to remove stale gas from your lawnmower in this free DIY video clip on lawn mower repair and maintenance.

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简金斯追了一小段路后赶上这名锄草机驾驶,但据称吉纳凡不肯停车,副警长只好把他从锄草机上拖下来。Jenkins caught up to the lawnmower after a short chase but Ginevan allegedly wouldn't stop so the deputy pulled him off the machine.

最近,我家的割草机吓了我一跳,我已经五年没有给它换油了—因为懒—所以刀口卡住了。I recently had a scare with my lawnmower. I hadn’t changed the oil on it once in five years —because I was lazy —and the blade seized up.

保罗·塞利诺的尼日利亚龙向大家显示了一个有铁铲形状的头颅、几排600颗尖尖的牙齿的恐龙形象。Paul Sereno's Nigersaurus sported a head shaped like a shovel and batteries of 600 needle-shaped teeth that earn him the nickname "The Lawnmower."