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每逢星期天他总睡懒觉。Sundays he would sleep late.

星期天我通常学拉小提琴。Sundays I usually study violin.

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星期天他们通常上馆子吃饭。They usually eat out on Sundays.

他通常每逢星期天度起床很晚。He usually gets up late on Sundays.

我总是在星期天搞卫生。I always do my cleaning on Sundays.

星期天,谢里尔常去教堂。On Sundays Sherrill goes to church.

礼拜天大多在教堂里度过。Sundays are spent mostly in church.

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那些男人星期日打蓝球。The men play basketball on Sundays.

我过去常在星期天沿海滩散步。I used to along the beach on Sundays.

我们总是在星期天缺人手。We are always shorthanded on Sundays.

周日晚上我们可以玩宾果游戏吗?Will we play bingo on Sundays nights?

罗瑟琳反对星期天工作。Roselyn objects to working on Sundays.

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她常在星期天洗衣服。She often does the washing on Sundays.

杰克逊一家星期天起得很早。Thee Jacksons'get up early on Sundays.

我通常在周日去滑旱冰。I usually go roller skating on Sundays.

你可以周六和周日不工作。You can have Saturdays and Sundays off.

我以前常在周日去参加英语沙龙。I used to go to English salon on Sundays.

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每逢星期日,库柏一家很早就起床。The Coopers get up very early on Sundays.

周日我总是有很多家务要做。I have a lot of housework to do on Sundays.

工人们反对星期日工作。The workers demurred at working on Sundays.