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这些“基因机器”其中的一个,一个群居的两足人猿开始了模仿。One of these gene machines, a social and bipedal ape, began to imitate.

人用两足行走,双手得到解放,可以用来抓握和操作。Bipedal locomotion in humans frees the hands for grasping and manipulation.

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观察双足运动时中枢神经的应激性是否有性别上的差异?Sex Differences in Spinal Excitability during Observation of Bipedal Locomotion.

据说它是爬树好手,但是却经常以两足站立。It is said to be a tree climber, but often stands on the ground in a bipedal stance.

基于组合摆线运动轨迹设计了一种两足恐龙腿机构。Based on compounding cycloid track, a leg mechanism of a bipedal dinosaur was designed.

最后我们这里还有一个两足版的“大狗”,它可以像人类一样利用脚跟和脚趾来行走。And finally here is the bipedal version of BigDog that walks heel-to-toe just like humans do.

一队双足无机兽正走过老科学家和他的助手静静等候的小道。A patrol of bipedal Inorganics moved past the alley where the scientist and his assistant waited.

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格兰宁喝醉后提及其双足步行坦克的构想比索科洛夫的蝙蝠战车要强得多。Granin got drunk and talked about why hisidea of a bipedal tank was better than Sokolov's Batmobile.

二足机器人的步行过程可分解成单脚支撑相和双脚支撑相。The second problem is the design of walking controllers that induce aperiodic bipedal robot walking.

或者,它们是在地面奔跑的两足动物,不断进化的翅膀使它们跳动的步幅越来越远吗?Or were they bipedal ground runners whose evolving wings allowed them to take progressively longer jumps?

突击骑兵机是双足战机,爪形前臂凸起,好似瓢虫的甲壳。The Shock Troopers looked like bipedal battleships, their clawed forearms bulging like ladybug carapaces.

突击骑兵机外表是双足的战舰,爪形前臂凸起,好似瓢虫的甲壳。The Shock Troopers looked like bipedal battleships, their clawed forearms bulging like ladybug carapaces.

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鸵鸟是恐龙的后裔,研究人员将鸵鸟的运动比作两足恐龙的运动。Ostriches are descendants of dinosaurs, and the researchers liken ostrich movements to those of bipedal dinosaurs.

新的发现证实古代两足生物剑角龙可以打败现今顶级的善于头部撞击生物.The new findings confirm that the ancient bipedal dinosaur Stegoceras could knock out any of today's top head-butters.

拥有甚至超过机械蜘蛛的护甲和力量,这种双足的庞然大物才是终极的破坏力!With even more armor and power than the Mechanized Arachnid , this bipedal behemoth is the ultimate destructive force!

他们是两足人形生物,有着小眼睛和大眼睑。对红外辐射敏感的视觉使他们能在黑暗中看见东西。They are bipedal humanoids, with small eyes and large eyelids, and infrared vision that allows them to see in the dark.

正确判断竞走运动员是否有双支撑阶段是竞走裁判工作中的难点。A difficult problem in a heel-and-toe walking race is to judge correctly whether there is any "Bipedal prop-up" stage or not.

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HR7是对两足动物运动的研究长达四年的最高成果,并且比以前的机器人有了一些基本的改进。HR7 is the culmination of four years of bipedal motion research and offers some fundamental improvements over its predecessor.

随着使用工具的发明,语言能力及大脑容量的蹭大,站立行走长久以来一直被认为是一种识别人类与动物的标志。Along with tool making, speech and enlarged brain capacity, bipedal posture has long been regarded as an identifying human trait.

但在大蜥蜴最终消失之后,双足哺乳动物因此得以繁荣增长,这才具有持久的迷人魅力。But for the bipedal mammals who were allowed to rise once the big lizards were finally gone, it is a matter of enduring fascination.