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汽油市郴垄断。The petrol market is an oligopoly.

我国成品油市场是一个寡头垄断市场。The refined oil market is an oligopoly market in our country.

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寡头生产的产量比垄断大,价格比垄断高。Compare the quantity and price of an oligopoly to those of a monopoly.

卡特尔是寡头垄断市场中厂商的一种重要勾结形式。Cartel was an important collusive way of firms in the oligopoly market.

一个正在恢复的世界强国,或是一个有蹩脚市场经济的腐败寡头?A recovering world power—or a corrupt oligopoly with a market economy of sorts?

IM是个古老的游戏,寡头垄断的存在,已经让它越来越不好玩。IM is an old game, the existence of oligopoly , had made it worse and worse to play.

真正的双寡头垄断是一种特定的、只有两个生产商存在于市场中的市场垄断行为。A true duopoly is a specific type of oligopoly where only two producers exist in one market.

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市场支配地位包括独占、准独占、突出的市场地位和寡占等类型。Market domination takes such forms as monopoly, quasi-monopoly, prominent market status and oligopoly.

而这一有效均衡点的出现取决于审计市场中寡头垄断型市场结构的形成。And the appearance of this efficient equilibrium depends on the formation of oligopoly in audit market.

德国财政部长朔伊布勒呼吁限制评级机构的"寡头垄断"局面.German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble called for limits to be placed on the rating agencies' "oligopoly".

事实上,几乎没有任何一种财富可以脱离某种形式的垄断而被创立,最少也以寡头的形式。Indeed, there has hardly ever been a fortune created without a monopoly of some sort, or at least an oligopoly.

中国的彩市被认为是双寡头垄断型市场,竞争非常激烈。China's lottery market is considered the double oligopoly market, in which the competition is extremely intense.

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反之,寡占或垄断市场的福利更好,因为研发的沉没成本得到了节约。On the contrary, the welfare of oligopoly or monopoly market is better because the sunk cost will be economized.

本文分析在一个寡占市场下,非使用价值对于自然资源的开发管理之重要性。This article analyzes the importance of non-use values in the management of natural resources under an oligopoly model.

电力传输网络的物理约束对寡头竞争性电力市场中发电商市场力行为的研究提出了特殊问题。The network physical constraints pose very specific problems to market power analysis in the oligopoly electricity markets.

欧洲央行行长特里谢也指责国际信用评级机构是“寡头垄断”。European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet also accused the international credit rating agencies is the "oligopoly."

揭示了垄断竞争型市场中的兼并行为与寡头垄断型市场的基本差异。The conclusions in this paper reveal the basic difference of merging behavior between monopolistic competition and oligopoly.

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宁夏财产保险市场的发展水平仍处于初级阶段,市场结构几乎完全垄断。In general the development of Ningxia property insurance market was at the preliminary stage. The market structure is almost oligopoly.

我国银行业的市场结构经历了垄断、打破垄断、寡头垄断、寡占程度不断降低的发展过程。Our banking market structure experienced changements, from monopoly to the broken monopoly, from the oligopoly to the degree of oligopoly reduced.

接著介绍各种市场包括完全竞争市场、独占市场、垄断性竞争市场及寡佔市场结构。The next step focuses on the market structure, which includes the concepts of competitive market, monopolistic competition, monopoly and oligopoly.