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我会马上安排一个维修人员过去的。I am going to send a serviceman out right away.

一个中国顶级特种兵的传奇经历,一部中国军人百炼成钢的全景记录。This book is a legend of a China's top special serviceman.

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今天是中国的建军节,我表哥在一年前成为了军人。This is the highest honor that our country can award a serviceman.

今天是中国的建军节,我表哥在一年前成为了军人。Today is Army day in China. My cousin was a serviceman one year ago.

她养有一儿一女,儿子已经参军,女儿正在读高中。The son is a serviceman and the daughter is still a high school student.

黄巧灵,军人出身,曾任军报记者等职。Huang Qiaoling, born of serviceman , once was a reporter of army newspaper.

1984年,一位越南战争中的无名军人也被安葬在这里。And in 1984, an unknown serviceman from the Vietnam War was placed beside them.

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确保高压灭菌器的正常使用是设备维修人员的神圣职责。Guaranteeing the normal use of the autoclave is the sacred duty of equipment serviceman.

我从未见过军人躺在军用棺材里的样子。马克看上去是那样俊秀,那样幼稚。I had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. Mark looked so handsome, so mature.

另一名海军服务人员被汉普郡警方逮捕,现在拘押中。A third Royal Navy serviceman has been arrested by Hampshire Constabulary and is now in custody.

军人是人民敬仰的人,军人的奉献和忠诚是他们最好的表白。The serviceman is the human who the people respect, serviceman's offer and loyal is they best vindicating.

第二皇家坦克团的一名技师在巴巴吉的维京水陆两栖装甲战车中被杀。A serviceman from the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, he was killed in a Viking armoured amphibious vehicle in Babaji.

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最近的美国现役军人死亡是在今天一枚路边炸弹及交火中与激进分子冲突中。The latest American serviceman who is killed in a militant attack today involving in a roadside bomb and gunfire.

这也就是说,如果是在战斗或值勤期间,犯罪的美国军人还是享有治外法权。This i. e. , if in fight or being in charge of quarters period, the crime American serviceman enjoys the extraterritoriality.

南非陆军司令索利·肖基中将告诉记者,军事演习对任何军人来说都是有价值和有吸引力的。South African Army Commander Thorley · Xiao Jizhong will tell reporter, the military exercise has the value to any serviceman and attractive.

离退休军人须报请本级干部任免权限的政治部批准盖章。The retirement serviceman must report this level appointment and dismissal of cadre jurisdiction the political department to authorize to stamp.

但在7月,中国的最高级别军官——郭伯雄将军以中国军方人员的身份对美国进行了事故之后最高级别的访问。But in July General Guo Boxiong, China's most senior officer, paid the highest-level visit to America by a Chinese serviceman since that incident.

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结合多年的教学与实践经验,对别克桥车自动变速器出现的故障进行维修介绍,便于专业及维修人员参考。Fault diagnosis and elimination of automatic transmission on Buick is introduced. The theory is provided as reference for professional serviceman.

我曾经是一个到海外担任的年轻的军人,经历了孤独及远离我的家人的好几个节日期间。I was once a young serviceman who served overseas during several holiday seasons and have experienced the loneliness of being away from my family.

五十三岁的袁继昌在空中受阅梯队中兵龄最长,也是唯一的将军飞行员。The 53-year-old major general is the oldest serviceman among the air echelons participating in the parade, as well as the only general-rank-holding pilot.