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我对他的迟到负有责任。I am to blame for his lateness.

我必须报告老师你迟到了。I must report your lateness to the teacher.

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队员迟到要受处罚。Team members will be penalized for lateness.

坏的编程风格或迟交并没有扣分。No points are deducted for bad style or lateness.

按时上、下班,不得迟到、早退和无故缺勤。Be punctual for classes. No lateness and no unexcused absence.

在第一次约会时,即使是5分钟也不能迟到。Even five minutes of lateness is inexcusable on the first date.

拖延来自于同时想做太多或者不能很好地计划。Lateness comes from trying to do too much or our inability to plan.

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迟交作业超过5天将不可原谅,不会给予分数。No point credit will be given for unexcused lateness exceeding 5 days.

避免参加连续的会议---连着的会议就很容易让人迟到。Avoid Back-to-Back Meetings – Back-to-back meetings are a recipe for lateness.

他们深知迟到会让人生气,而这正恰恰满足了他们内心深处受惩罚的需要。They know their lateness will cause anger, and this serves their deep need to be punished.

五点钟,下午茶的时间,一个年轻人因为迟到向女主人致歉。It was at a five o’clock tea. A young man came to the hostess to apologize for his lateness.

由于转会来得太晚,我几乎毫无准备,”他告诉媒体。Due to the lateness of the transfer, I could do very little to prepare myself," he told reporters.

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在这里,正值晚冬时节以及对春天的漫长期盼之中,正如我们人类所知,生命是落寞的。Here in the lateness of winter and the long wanting of spring, life stands still, as we humans know it.

屡次迟到是无礼的表现,因为迟到者使别人上课分心。Repeated lateness is a form of rudeness, as a latecomer takes away everyone's thoughts from the lesson.

他爱她,但是,必须与该浊音的功课,他的叔叔的晚,并在都柏林列车。His love for her, however, must compete with the dullness of schoolwork, his uncle's lateness , and the Dublin trains.

本人知悉并同意香港市务学会以学会的时钟为量度本人迟到或早退与否的准则。I acknowledge and agree that HKIM may determine my lateness and early departure from a course according to HKIM's clock.

我突然感到一阵内疚,万般无奈地承认自己去了剧院,承认自己迟到的真正原因。A rush of guilt ran through me as I feebly confessed to my trip to the movie theater and the real reason for my lateness.

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我为我的耽搁再次告罪,我说很快是由于我又开学了,考试也临近了,我须要温习一下。Sorry again for the lateness. I say soon as I have started school again and the exams are looming in and I need to revise.

下定决心,立刻,解决工作常常迟到以及对付管家婆接二连三的迫害却屡屡失败等等的问题。Determined, now, to tackle constant lateness for work and failure to address in-tray bulging with threats from bailiffs, etc.

他们说,他们的工作效率下降了40%,而且意外事故、迟到和矿工的发生频率也很高。They said their efficiency at work was reduced by about 40 percent and reported a high frequency of accidents, lateness and absenteeism.