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你会获得自主。You get autonomy.

给我一些自主权。Give me some autonomy.

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一种是自治德道。There's an ethics of autonomy.

自主的对立,就是“他律”。Heteronomy is the opposite of autonomy.

沙巴和沙捞越的自主权在哪里?Where is the Sabah and Sarawak autonomy?

1989年,米洛舍维奇取消了该区的自治权。In 1989, Milosevic had taken autonomy away.

王信贤,「镶嵌或自主性?Hsin Hsien Wang, "Embeddedness or Autonomy?"

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在巴鲁看来,战略自主的关键在国内。For Baru , strategic autonomy starts at home.

自治在服务器属性面板来定义。Autonomy is specified on the Server Property pane.

但是,高具有多大的自主权仍然不得而知。But just how much autonomy Mr Gao has is uncertain.

不要去问它现在为什么如此渴求自主经营。No wonder why it now fiercely defends its autonomy.

在老奥巴马看来,这事关民族自主。For Obama Sr. this was an issue of national autonomy.

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如果我们将权力下放,各省就有更多的自主权。If we decentralize, the provinces will have more autonomy.

看似矛盾,他们发现自己对道德有控制力。So paradoxically, they learn that they have moral autonomy.

要达到学习者自主性的最终目标非一日之功。The goal of learner autonomy cannot be reached in one step.

意思自治是市场经济在法律上的必然选择。Meaning autonomy is market economy in jural inevitable choice.

他发明了一个术语来描述自主的对立面。He invents a special term to describe the opposite of autonomy.

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我经常感到自己投入了一场为争取人身自由而永不停歇的战斗中。I often feel I'm engaged in a never-ending battle for autonomy.

业务自治单位还指导员工方面的决策。Business unit autonomy also guided decisions on staffing issues.

计算机促进了异质化、个性化和自由意志。Computers promote heterogeneity, individualization, and autonomy.