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浮华虚夸一向是为了掩饰内在的绝望。Grandiosity is always a cover for despair.

小我欲以它的浮华虚夸来取代上主的庄严伟大。The grandiosity of the ego is its alternative to the grandeur of God.

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若非这个信念作祟,浮华虚夸就显得毫无意义,你也不可能去追求它。Without this belief grandiosity is meaningless, and you could not possibly want it.

瑞爱船用家具造形大气,细节精致,在业内有口皆碑。Ruiai's marine furniture is with grandiosity sculpt, delicacy detail, andwiagoodpublic praise.

墨索里尼曾狂言道要把法西斯意大利建成第二个罗马帝国。Benito Mussolini talked with blustering grandiosity of building Fascist Italy into a second Roman Empire.

而对努力定义一种身份的青少年确实会膨胀自尊与夸张的事情好像没有吸引力?And to what adolescent striving to define an identity do inflated self-esteem and grandiosity not appear attractive?

关于情感上失败的宏大转变成为完全自我陶醉的本位主义实体的感觉。It deals with the feeling of failed emotional grandiosity that turns one into a completely self-obsessed egotistical entity.

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当我第一次登上长城的时候,就被它的雄伟气势震惊了,真是百闻不如一见啊。The first time I ascent the great wall I was amazed at its grandiosity. It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

小布什上台后,为了弥补其父亲的缺乏远见以及克林顿的毫无纪律性,在追求宏伟堂皇以及精确准时上面走得过了头。Bush compensated for his father's lack of vision and Clinton's indiscipline with his own excesses of grandiosity and punctuality.

小布什上台后,为了弥补其父亲的缺乏远见以及克林顿的毫无纪律性,在追求宏伟堂皇以及精确准时上面走得过了头。George W. Bush compensated for his father's lack of vision and Clinton's indiscipline with his own excesses of grandiosity and punctuality.

社区网络站点能够提供为自恋者提供一个可以沉迷于溢美之词的地方来维持他们浅薄的关系。Social networking websites can provide narcissists with forums where they pursue their addiction to grandiosity while maintaining shallow relationships.

“水石云山期”的作品中尤多一种单纯高博的中国文化精神。The work of the "Water, Rock, Clouds and Mountain Period" especially confers the essence of the Chinese cultural temperament of simplicity and grandiosity.

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水利工程的宏伟和对于国家的重要性,使我逐渐对这个行业产生了兴趣。From my study, I got to realize the grandiosity of the water conservancies and their importance to our country, which largely aroused my interest in this field.

“成功在这里开始,希望从这里点燃”。宏伟达与你共创财富。欢迎广大客商来电洽谈。" Succeed to start here, hope from spark here". The grandiosity reaches to create the wealth together with you. Welcome the large businessman telephones to talk over.

像这种宏伟的声明在齐奥赛斯库统治时期可以说是司空见惯。他的这一总体规划-建立一个值得新社会主义人生活的国家,是一项宏伟的运动。Such grandiose declarations were commonplace during Ceausescu's reign, for his master plan-to creat a nation worthy of the New Socialist Man-was an exercise in grandiosity.

通常他们也信心十足,认为自己的想法既正确且重要,而这种浮夸可能会导致错误的判断及冲动的行为。They usually hold tremendous conviction about the correctness and importance of their own ideas as well. This grandiosity can contribute to poor judgment and impulsive behavior.

宏伟达不锈钢制品部是一家专业销售各种不锈钢餐具及各类精美烟缸的代销点。The grandiosity reaches the stainless steel ware department is the generation that a profession sells various stainless steel cutlery and each kind of elegant smoke urns to sell the point.

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成熟以后的他,逐渐受到不同美学、哲学和神秘理论的影响,这些因素促使他走向宏伟新奇的艺术观。As he matured, however, he came increasingly under the influence of diverse aesthetic, philosophical, and mystical doctrines that impelled him toward an artistic vision of unprecedented grandiosity.