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这就是为什么我没有把你打回你老妈的家!Next thing I know, I give him a smack.

她会又哭又闹,甚至会揍我。She will cry, yell and even smack on me.

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他在祖母的脸上响响地吻了一下。He gave his grandmother a smack on the cheek.

我的手颤抖着,真想给她一巴掌。My hand twitched, it wanted to smack her face.

最后拍打她的肥臀,更猛烈地摩擦。Finally, give that sweet ass a smack and rub it better.

在移动到最上方的时候,不要让哑铃碰到一起。Don't smack the dumbbells together at the top of the movement.

他喝完了葡萄酒,意犹未尽地咂了咂嘴。He polished off his wine with an appreciative smack of his lips.

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没人会喜欢你他们只会拍死你蚊子过街人人喊打!Nobody likes us. They just smack. See a mosquito , smack, smack!

我们不容易很快地识别它直到它再次发生时挫败它。We don’t tend to see it right away until smack it happens again.

无论如何,我绝对不会让一个男的再在床上打我的脸。I won’t, however, let a guy smack me in the face during sex again.

与此同时,其他厂商采取的办法则毫无效果。Other manufacturers' approaches, meanwhile, smack of helplessness.

连续数小时,他常常看着父亲把数百个圆球用力掷出。For hours on end, he would watch his father smack hundreds of balls.

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常能钓着点儿啥么,就这么着阿勒河中间来条小船?Do you usually catch anything here , smack in the middle of the Aare?

喝汤不要出声、咂嘴巴,或张着嘴巴嚼东西。Don't slurry your soup, smack your lips, or chew with your mouth open.

他们直接逃进了空气中充斥着核碎片的地区。Residents fled smack into the plume of air carrying radioactive debris.

看看它那巨大的爪子吧,只需要轻轻一拍,就会顿时令你脑浆迸裂。Take a look of their giant paws, one smack can rip your head right off.

从白色柜台上反射过来的亮光,直直地砸到我的脸上。The bright lights bounce off the white counters and smack me in the face.

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今天,雄心壮志的年轻人进入艺术院校进修好比撞上一堵墙。Right now, ambitious kids going to art school run smack into a brick wall.

这里的严密追踪的地狱拨过一个攻坚战的DVD自由式结局。Here's a tight track by Hell Rell off the Smack DVD with a freestyle ending.

莱一些副作用分裂拍击下的游戏肯定会留下印记。Lay some side-splitting smack down in the game that is sure to leave a mark.