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许多什叶派教徒赶往卡尔巴拉参加此活动。Many Shia pilgrims are making their way to Karbala for the occasion.

伊拉克官员已加强了什叶派城市卡尔巴拉的戒备。Officials in Iraq have increased security in the Shiite city of Karbala.

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在四月十日,卡尔巴拉的汽车爆炸杀死了44个人丧生,造成无数人受伤。On April 14, a car bombing in Karbala killed 44 people and wounded scores more.

在卡尔巴拉,什叶派拥护者与伊拉克武装部队经常发生冲突。Karbala has been the scene of clashes between loyalists of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and Iraqi forces.

卡尔巴拉已经成为什叶派的忠实教徒穆克塔达萨德尔和伊拉克军队的冲突地点。Karbala has been the scene of clashes between loyalists of Shia cleric Moqtada al- Sadr and Iraqi forces.

伊拉克城市卡尔巴拉附近发生自杀式爆炸袭击,造成至少50人死亡,多人受伤。Suicide bomb attacks near the Iraqi city of Karbala have killed at least 50 people and injured many more.

每年数以百万的什叶派朝圣者来到这座伊斯兰圣城朝拜,包括纳杰夫和卡尔巴拉。Millions of Shiite pilgrims travel each year to the major holy sites of Islam here, including Najaf and Karbala.

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与此同时,伊拉克安全官员表示,星期一在南部城市卡尔巴拉发生一起炸弹爆炸事件,造成至少3人死亡。Meanwhile, Iraqi security officers say a bombing killed at least three people Monday in the southern city of Karbala.

工人们在什叶派圣城卡巴拉是中心挖掘新的输水管道时发现了很多人的尸骨。Workmen digging a new water pipe in the centre of Shiah holy city of Karbala discovered the remains of dozens of people.

上图拍摄于2010年2月15日,在西南部的一座城市卡尔巴拉的一次最初访问中,一位伊拉克市民手举马利基的相片。Above an Iraqi man holds up a picture of Maliki as the premier speaks during a visit to the southwest city of Karbala on Feb. 15 2010.

在阿冈巴省的战役中五人死亡,卡尔巴拉市的一枚汽车炸弹至少炸死六十八个伊拉克人,几十人受伤。Five were killed in fighting in Anbar province at least 68 Iraqis were killed in a car bombing in Karbala. Scores of others were hurt.

上图拍摄于2010年2月15日,在西南部的一座城市卡尔巴拉的一次最初访问中,一位伊拉克市民手举马利基的相片。Above, an Iraqi man holds up a picture of Maliki as the premier speaks during a visit to the southwest city of Karbala on Feb. 15, 2010.

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卡尔巴拉虽然没有风靡巴格达和其他城市的每日暴力袭击,但也是一个主要袭击点。Karbala has not seen the level of daily violence that has swept Baghdad and other cities, but it has been the scene of some major attacks.

Joda先生来自巴士拉,2004年来到卡尔巴拉这片葱郁的湿地打渔养水牛,这让他想起家乡。Mr. Joda, a native of Basra, came to Karbala in 2004 to fish and raise water buffaloes in the lush wetlands that reminded him of his home.

官员称,这两起爆炸发生在卡尔巴拉市的南北两个入口,相隔仅20分钟左右。Officials said the two explosions occurred in the northern and southern city of Karbala two entrances, separated by only about 20 minutes.

今天是大约两百万什叶派人在伊拉克城市卡尔巴拉聚集的第二天,他们一起纪念一年一度的阿舒拉节。An estimated two million Shiites flocked the central Iraqi city of Karbala for second day today to mark the annual religious Observance of Ashura.

在什叶派朝圣者宗教仪式的最后一天,伊拉克城市卡尔巴拉里因为爆炸袭击,至少有40人被杀害,140人受伤。At least 40 people have been killed and more than 140 wounded by bombs apparently been aimed at Shia pilgrims on the final day of a religious ceremony in the Iraqi city of Karbala.

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造成伤亡人数最多的爆炸发生在东南部的城市库特和巴格达市,但是在基尔库克、巴士拉、拉马迪、卡尔巴拉及费卢杰也相继发生了爆炸事件。The heaviest casualties were after explosions in the southeastern city of Kut and in the capital Baghdad, but there were also attacks in Kirkuk, Basra, Ramadi, Karbala and Falluja.

每天有数千名朝圣者前往伊拉克纳贾夫、卡尔巴拉和巴格达等主要的什叶派圣地朝拜,其中很多人来自伊朗和拥有大批什叶派穆斯林的国家。Every day thousands of pilgrims to Iraq Nagu husband, Karbala and Baghdad and other major Shiite shrine worship, many of whom come from Shiite Iran and has a large number of countries.

教授还说,甚至是去麦加朝圣都是一样,很多人对马来西亚和土耳其就完全没有意见。“This even applies to religious trips to the Arab world, while if Mecca or Karbala were in Turkey or Malaysia, Iranians would not have a problem with people going there, ” Zibakalam said.