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在有头小畸型病的人中,这两个基因不起作用。These two genes do not work right in people with microcephaly.

比例不符的头围可能表示脑积水或小头畸形。Disproportionate head measurements may indicate hydrocephaly or microcephaly.

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这可能引发健康问题,畸形小头以及智力低下。They are associated with physical problems, microcephaly and mental retardation.

这些婴儿患上了所谓的小头畸形症,它会导致严重的脑损伤。The babies have a condition called microcephaly. Microcephaly causes severe brain damage.

然而,美国疾控中心表示正在调查一种病毒感染和小头畸形症之间的关系。However, the CDC says the link between a virus infection and microcephaly is being investigated.

然而,美国疾病控制预防中心表示正在调查一种病毒感染和小头畸形症之间的联系。However, the CDC says the link between a virus infection and microcephaly is being investigated.

有关,伴有小头畸形和脑室扩大的后果。CNS infections may be associated with brain atrophy, with resultant microcephaly and ventriculomegaly.

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许多已知的造成小头畸形的基因产物都集中于中心体,来调节细胞命运和细胞增殖。Many known microcephaly gene products localize to centrosomes, regulating cell fate and proliferation.

头小畸形症是一种很罕见的症状,那些人从出生大脑就比正常人小。Microcephaly is a rare condition in which people are born with a brain that is much smaller than normal.

这个问题正变得愈加复杂,因为兹卡病毒和婴儿患小头畸形症之间存在联系这一点,还没有得到科学证明。The issue is all the more complex because the scientific link between Zika and microcephaly in infants has not been proved.

根据其它新闻机构的报道,卫生官员已经报告了里约热内卢和圣保罗的多起小头畸形症的案例。According to other news agencies, health officials have reported many cases of microcephaly in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

小头症发病率日增,尤其令人震惊,因为它给家庭和社区带来了令人心碎的负担。The increased incidence of microcephaly is particularly alarming, as it places a heart-breaking burden on families and communities.

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巴里奥斯表示,她的医生提出可以给她进行堕胎手术,尽管并没有证据显示她怀的胎儿患有小头畸形症。Ms. Barrios says her doctors offered to perform an abortion, even though there is no evidence that the babies she is carrying have microcephaly.

在怀孕期间,寨卡病毒感染一直与脑发育异常称为小头畸形的疾病有关。现在的研究发现更多的证据来证实这一点。Zika virus infection during pregnancy has been linked to the abnormal brain development called microcephaly. Now a study finds more evidence for the connection.

这更加证实,寨卡病毒大暴发应该预示着小头畸形增幅也会较大。So this both adds to the evidence and helps confirm that any country experiencing a large Zika virus outbreak should anticipate a large increase in microcephaly.

一些卫生官员表示,小头畸形症可以成为堕胎的理由,如果胎儿有患此类病症的迹象,他们会给孕妇提供堕胎服务。Some medical officials say that microcephaly is grounds for abortion and that they will offer the procedure to pregnant women if the fetus shows signs of the condition.

安东评论道,LB1倒有可能是个直立人,只是发育出了问题,小头症或者营养不良都有可能。The possibility exists that the LB1 specimen is a H. erectus individual with a pathological growth condition stemming from microcephaly or nutritional deprivation, she observes.

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上皮细胞并使其变大的疱疹病毒。这样的病毒也会引起一种儿科病,特徵是循环性机能不良和畸形小头。Any of a group of herpes viruses that attack and enlarge epithelial cells. Such viruses also cause a disease of infants characterized by circulatory dysfunction and microcephaly.

美国佛罗里达州立大学的古人类学家,根据九名小头症患者制作了头颅模型,他们的结论是,哈比人的头颅和小头症模型的尺寸比例并不相符。Paleoanthropologists at Florida State University created virtual skull casts from nine human cases of microcephaly and concluded that the Hobbit skull did not match their dimensions.

2015年5月起在巴西爆发的兹卡疫情尤其令人担忧,因为这里的先天性小头症新生儿和死胎病例急剧增加。The large outbreak in Brazil, which began in May 2015, is particularly worrisome because the number of cases of congenital microcephaly in newborns and stillborns has abruptly increased.